The random people I get to do life with and see roaming the halls every day. They make me laugh more than should be allowed by law. I am a blessed woman.
I'm an Atlanta, GA fan working for Jeanne Mayo and Youth Leader's Coach. She's brilliant and I'm hoping some of it rubs off. My primary roles are Executive Director of YLC Operations (product development, web stuff, etc.), Executive Director of the Cadre (Jeanne's youth pastor mentoring program), 3rd year Master's Commission Atlanta Ministry Enrichment Director, Children's Ministry Director and Chief Financial Officer at the Tabernacle (if all those silly titles aren't enough, I've got a few more). As crazy as it sounds, my job is a perfect fit and I love it. More than I love it, I love the team I get to be apart of. Prior to YLC, I spent ten years as the middle school pastor at Granger Community Church (an amazing church in northern, aka "cold", Indiana).