Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Share the Love

Helping people take their next step toward Christ...together...no, seriously, together! That would be a cool mission statement for churches around the world as a whole. Trinity Church expressed that in a very real way this weekend when they lent our students their skatepark.

Someone with a "scarcity" mindset would say, "Why do that?"..."What if they break it?"..."If they don't break it, at the very least they will add to the wear and tear!"

Those with an "abundance" mindset would say, "Wow, what a great statement we would be making to the world if we shared our stuff with another church"..."What if one of those skater students who might not of had any great Christian skater friends before, really connects with one over those short couple of hours?"..."What if as a result of this event, one of them comes to know Jesus?"... "Wow, now that's a risk work taking, a risk greater than wear and tear!" Thanks Trinity.

In turn, Oasis tried to express that when we lent Five Star our Luau stuff for their kick-off. As I know Five Star will do with their stuff as well. Pay it Forward Baby!

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