Monday, March 20, 2006

It's been way too long

Wow, life has been flying by at such a crazy, crazy fast, that there's been no time for bloggin'. You know it's been too long when you can't remember your own password. However, I am officially back.

Tonight, as I prepared for our Student Ministry 101 workshop tomorrow, I listened to Casting Pearls play for Lifeline...good tunes, good tunes (ok, that was a play off of Hilary and Amanda always saying good times...good times). Anyway, they were awesome and you won't want to miss them this week at Oasis. They will be here along with Crystal Miller, a Columbine survivor. She has an amazing story and is passionate about Jesus. What more could you ask for...a great band and an amazing, transforming story. Check them out and bring your friends.


Anonymous said...

Hey,Judy if you read this peals put Amanda Ponder in the same room as Rayne Byrd for A.T.F. thank you very much=]

your friend,
Rayne Byrd

Anonymous said...

Hi I agre with u