Wednesday, June 04, 2008

MC Atlanta 2007-2008

I am so proud and so sad. Tonight we had a closing annointing service for the MC ATL students in Athens. One of the many thoughts that went through my head was, I wish we had one of these every couple of years in Oasis. It was powerful.

It has been absolutely stunning to watch these students grow this year, right before my very eyes. On the way down to Athens, Jeanne and I were talking about the trasformation we've seen of a few in particular. Their stories are off-the-hook.

I'm sad because they leave at the end of the week... some just for the summer, others who are off to college, youth pastor positions, and other adventures, for good. My question to Jeanne tonight was would you ever want to do life without them (a Master's Commission). She said "no way." I would have to agree. After experiencing it over the last nine months, I couldn't imagine it either. It's hard to live up close to 87 people (Jeanne and I talked about that too), but the rewards can't be touched. I have fallen in love with these kids.


Corey Mann said...

I can't find you.

Judy Gregory said...

I know. I look like I'm about 28 (can't complain). Left side right behind the girl in the yellow shirt.

Bridget said...

Oh I found you. Awesome. :)