Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Little Humor

Copied these from Richard Ross' website, some of them are kinda funny.

You Might be a Student Minister If . . .

1. You know over 50 things to do with a lighted candle on a youth trip.
2. You evaluate your youth devotionals by how many cry.
3. Your own children have never worn anything at night except youth trip T-shirts.
4. You haven’t been to Sunday School in 5 years.
5. Your senior pastor pays an amount in income tax equal to your salary.
6. You have recurring nightmares about being driven by teenagers with learners’ permits.
7. You don’t remember to gas the bus before leaving on a 1000 mile youth trip.
8. A sweet, little old lady tells you she is just sure that God is going to call you to the ministry some day.
9. Your idea of worship leadership is a dynamic announcement time.
10. You suddenly discover you are sitting in a McDonald’s without the youth group - and you like the food.
11. Your aunt still asks you what you are going to do when you grow up.
12. You have washed every car in town but your own.
13. Your office staff moves morning coffee break down to 10:00 AM so you can be there.
14. The only golf you have ever played is miniature golf.
15. At camp you find your razor dull from head shaves.
16. You understand that going out to pick up the morning paper means gathering toilet paper.
17. You accidentally plan a lock-in the night of your wedding anniversary, but promise your spouse you will make it a special evening together any way.
18. Your only close friend outside the church is the pizza delivery guy.
19. Your office still has the hooks on the walls where the mops once hung.
20. When you announce to parents when the youth group will be getting back to the church, they just chuckle.
21. You collect permission forms to go on a family vacation.
22. Your keys weigh more than your children.
23. You know that "Blue Flame" is not a restaurant.
24. You get a little thrill when you see a sign that says, "Bus drivers eat free."
25. Your first question to new church members is, "Do you own a mini-van?"
26. You've ever used pimple cures as an illustration in a Bible study. 27. You have ever been inclined to violence when someone greets you returning from youth camp with "how was your vacation?"


Anonymous said...


I finally updates Let me know what you think.


Bridget said...

I think we can relate to #20 even though we try really hard to get back on time. :)
You Rock, Judy!