Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ozzy Osbourne and Mike Tyson in One Night with the King

Just kidding. However, I did just about bust out laughing when Hegai spoke. It took me a second to get over the fact that he sounded like Mike Tyson. And, at certain angles, Prince Admantha could double as Ozzy Osbourne. That was really funny.

One Night with the King is the story of Esther in the Bible. As far as the movie goes, I know there are mixed reviews. I think it boils down to the fact that it's a chick flick for females who are somewhat into the stories of the Bible (not that you have to be, but I think it helps to pull you in). The main problem was that the characters were underdeveloped (it didn't help that some of them looked alike), as well as the storyline. If they could have cleared some of that confusion up at the onset, I think it would have helped. There was one guy, Prince Admantha (Ozzy), for the life of me I couldn't figure out if he existed in the actual Bible story. However, once I figured out who was who and got over the fact that I couldn't figure out who Ozzy was, it was a good, very clean flick with a few lines to use for movie clips at a later date. I went with Jeanna, Jerica, Ruby, Susanna and Rachel, so that made it even better. All in all I give it a thumbs up, but would encourage people to read the story in the Bible first.

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