Monday, March 31, 2008

Women's Ministry

Laurie was out of town yesterday, so I made the 6 a.m. Sunday morning airport run to pick up Jeanne. She did this whirlwind trip to Seattle, leaving Friday morning and flying back all throughout the night on Saturday.

On the way to her house she said she was tired (that was a first) and asked if I wanted to speak for her Sunday night at our church's women's ministry deal. I told her I could whip something up, "no problem." Inside, I was thinking "Judy, what in the world are you agreeing to?" Long story short, I actually had a great time. I spoke on "Who will fight for this generation?" The cool thing about adult ministry over youth ministry is they actually say "thank you." However, still would take youth ministry over it any day.


DC Curry said...

Totally agree, STUDENTS ROCK!!!!

Corey Mann said...

My cell phone was stolen....could you email me your number again?


Really looking forward to Friday night!

Phil said...

I agree, Judy. Yeah, students! (Esp. middle-schoolers!)