Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Oasis - GameDay - Go Wide - 10.18.06
Oasis Eagle’s Nest Discussion Guide
GameDay – Go Wide – 10.18.06
A Note to Leaders:
Hi friends! As Mark played this weekend's video of the SMT guys talking about who their "Samuels" were in their lives, I thought about you! Did you notice that most of their Samuels spoke into their lives when they were in middle and high school? You are Samuel for many of our students. While you may or may not remember them for years to come, they will remember you. Keep loving, encouraging and speaking life into them – they matter, you matter and Jesus matters! With much love and appreciation, Judy
Sub-Divide Your Eagle’s Nest into Smaller Groups and Take Attendance 5 minutes
Sub-divide into as many small groups as your leadership base can handle. Chris will be coming around to check on you. If you need an additional leader, we’ll figure out how to get you one.
Have each student fill out a small card with their FIRST and LAST name on it. Check the cards as you collect them, our students have a sense of humor sometimes. If someone is new, ask them if they filled out a big card at the registration table (if not, give them one of the big cards in your box).
Discussion Questions: 20 minutes
1. Go around the circle and quickly do names.
2. Give everyone a pack of Skittles (in your EN box). Let them eat them (but not throw them).
3. Is there a favorite color of Skittle that you like to eat first? If so, which color?
4. Let’s say people are like Skittles, are there certain types of people you gravitate toward first or connect with better? (athletes, skaters, gamers, burly, girly, tom-boyish, etc.)? Describe them.
5. What’s good about that?
6. What’s bad about that?
7. Think of the people in your school. Who are potential students that might fall through the cracks in regard to having great friends to do life with?
8. What about Mark (from video), would he be the type of student who might fall through the cracks? Why?
9. What are the risks that we take when we reach out to people that aren’t like us?
10. What are the potential rewards when we reach out to people, regardless of whether they are like us or not?
11. Mark is physically handicapped, but totally together emotionally, relationally, mentally and spiritually. He’s a great guy. However, there are people who look all together on the outside, but are hurting like crazy – almost handicapped like – on the inside. Think of one or two people you know like that and talk about them (don’t feel like you have to name names).
12. Who do you need to carry to Jesus? Give a couple of names specifically.
13. Who is depending on you to do it?
Close in prayer and pick up your trash 5 Minutes
Oasis – Cue Sheet
GameDay – Go Wide – 10.18.06
6:25 Walk-In Video: PowerPoint Pictures with Music
6:30 Welcome, Series Intro and Game (students get name tags if they didn’t check in) – John
GameDay Series Slide Up for Welcome and Intro, then
Johnny’s Game PowerPoint Slide(s) Up for Game
At end, Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #1 – Relentless, Engage, WS, EO, SC, 180
6:45 Judy’s Message – Red Eagle’s Nest- Blue
Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #1
Total Recall Slides Up for Total Recall
GameDay Series Slide Up for Message (before and after video clip)
TRIP PowerPoint Slide (Judy will call for it)
Paul and Brenda picture as soon as I start talking about the wedding
Scripture PowerPoint Sides (Judy will call for it)
Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #2 – Crossfire, RS, TF, Elevate, Testify, HV
7:20 Transition Time
Outgoing students out the Auditorium by Wal-Mart Doors (except Crossfire and Rock Solid go out Café Doors). All incoming students in the Auditorium by Atrium Doors
7:25 Judy’s Message – Blue Eagle’s Nest - Red
Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #2
Total Recall Slides Up for Total Recall
GameDay Series Slide Up for Message (before and after video clip)
TRIP PowerPoint Slide (Judy will call for it)
Paul and Brenda picture as soon as I start talking about the wedding
Scripture PowerPoint Sides (Judy will call for it)
7:55 Transition Time – Eagle’s Nest Students In, Announcements and Giveaways
8:15 Worship
Relentless Atrium Skylight (Crossfire)
Engage Atrium Stage (Rock Solid)
Wildside Great Room (The Force)
Eagle One Penguin Room (Elevate)
Soul Candy In Front of the Wal-Mart Doors by New Entrance (Testify)
180 Bottom of Stairs by Wal-Mart Doors by New Entrance (High Voltage)
Oasis – Message
GameDay – Go Wide – 10.18.06
Anybody at one of the services this weekend? If you were, you saw the video I’m about to show. If you weren’t, you need to see this.
Much like the middle school guys are doing this weekend, the high school guys had a retreat a couple of weekends ago. There was a young man, Mark, who wanted to go, but has Cerebral Palsy and is in a wheel chair, which makes it difficult to get around where there is no cement. Many of you know Mark, he was at Oasis and went to Grissom last year. For him to go, it meant that someone had to carry him a lot of times – to the bathroom, to his bed, wherever. They had to help feed him and dress him. It took a commitment. It took him being able to count on someone. That someone’s name was Brendan Sweeney. Anyway, they wanted Mark to be able to experience everything, including the ropes course. It took a team to get Mark to the top, he went up first and came down last. Mark was counting on the team 100%. In return, Mark encouraged his team 100%. Check this out.
Mark Nania Video
Where going to talk about what it means to carry someone to Jesus tonight as we break into Eagle's Nests and dive into the message.
Tonight we’re talking about going wide – reaching people for Christ, sharing your faith. Bring as many people into the game as possible. Anybody know the churchy word for it? That’s right, evangelism. In a second I show you a little video that will either make you laugh or pee your pants. Darren Gray is the Evangelism Linebacker. He’s about helping students overcome the obstacles of sharing their faith. Check this out.
Linebacker Video from SermonSpice.com
While I think Jesus enjoys Darren’s passion, I don’t think He wants us to fear that we’ll get the snot kicked out of us if we don’t share our faith. Instead, He wants it to be the desire of our heart out of love for him and love for others. But even in the humor of it all, Darren hit on the basic reasons why we don’t. He talked about what TRIPs us up.
TURN DOWN – Fear of Rejection. What if they get mad, or stop liking me or think I’m some sort of freak.
RIDICULOUSLY BUSY – We’re running here, there and everywhere. Our minds are swimming and we lose sight of what’s important.
“I” MODE – Selfish – We horde Christ all for ourselves like new toys at Christmas.
PRIDE – Life is so good and so sweet, we fail to realize or remember why we have what we have, why we got what we got. Instead of giving God the props, we take the credit. We don’t fully recognize our need for Him, so we fail to mention Him.
Bottom line – we lose sight on what’s important when we step up to the line of scrimmage called life. We give up want matters most, for what we want in the moment. We concentrate on the individual (me), instead of the collective (we). Instead of serving others first, we serve ourselves…first. Our vision gets blurry. Kinda like this.
Got Service Video from SermonSpice.com
Earlier you saw the video of Mark, who is physically handicapped, but totally together emotionally, relationally, mentally and spiritually. As you saw in this video, there are others who have it together on the outside, but aren’t doing so good on the inside. They’re hurting. And for some reason, God is calling us to reach out to them. When I was thinking about what to say tonight, my mind drifted back to this weekend when Paul and Brenda were married.
I got a peak inside of Paul’s soul before the wedding when he told the story of how he met Jesus with tears in his eyes. You see, Jesus set up a divine appointment to meet with him the day he entered GCC doors for the first time. He thought he was just coming to church that day, but left having encountered Jesus through the touch of a child. Jesus knocked and Paul answered. Dr. Bob’s message that day was on how people are bound in chains, being dragged down and you don’t even know it – most of the time we are clueless. Paul thought, that’s me, I’m in chains. At the end of the service, when Dr. Bob went to close in prayer, this little girl who has down syndrome or something like it, reached over and grabbed his hand. He said, she didn’t know better. Evidently, when it came time to pray, this girl's family held hands, she was just doing what she knew. I think somehow God guided Paul or that little girl to that section that day. God knew Paul needed a touch and that He could count on this little girl to give him one.
As far as Brenda is concerned, God allowed her to go on a journey that she will not fully understand this side of heaven. She lost one of her boys when he was 5 and the other when he was 12. It’s been anything but easy. But earlier this year, when she sat next to a young lady in service who was weeping uncontrollable, she knew what to do. When others would pretend like they didn’t notice, Brenda noticed. In fact, she did more than notice. She put her arm around that young lady and prayed for her. She knew, whatever was going on, only Jesus could get her though it. She’s been there and has allowed God to transform her through her experience. I’m not sure she would be the incredibly loving and caring person that she is today had she not.
1 CORINTHIANS 13 POWERPOINT SLIDE UP- Really Listen to What Love Looks Like
Love is patient – It learns how to look past other people’s quirkiness, body odor, dorky
clothes or whatever.
Love is kind – It watches out for the underdog, the one who’s all alone, the last one to be picked, the one who isn’t so kind to them.
It does not envy – There’s no friend-vy, but simply wants the best for people and cheers them
It does not boast – Random acts of kindness are done in secret, not for the applaud of others.
It is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love’s primary concern is for others and for God to be
It is not easily angered. It knows that a lot of times meanness comes from pain inside. They
extend gracy and mercy freely
It keeps no record of wrongs. There is no score card.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. The truth that God loves everyone else
as much as he loves us.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always Love never fails.
But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened." But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.
1 Peter 3:14-16
Jesus has your back, do you have His? Reflect on that while you watch this video from Facing the Giants. It’s at movie theatres even now. You’re going to see a scene with the coach and one of his players. However, see with new eyes. Instead of looking at this scene from the perspective of a coach and his player, visualize yourself on the field with Jesus cheering you on.
Facing the Giants Video - Wholehearted - Death Crawl with Jeremy on his back
You can doubt yourself, but don’t doubt what God can do through you. Don’t write people off as a loss. Jesus is asking, promise me your going to do your best. You have influence with people you know not of. You walk around feeling defeated and so will they. He needs you. God’s gifted you, don’t waste it. Can He count on you?
Who do you need to carry to Jesus on your back or in your arms? Let me pray for you.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Lifeline - 10.22.06
Lifeline – 10.22.06
Entourage - Trust
FACING THE GIANTS – Live on Purpose Clip – sermonspice.com
God cares about our faith, the spiritual condition of our heart. He wants us to honor him on the football fields, in the classrooms and, perhaps more importantly, in our relationships with our family and friends…our Entourage. Jesus said the most important thing you can do with your life is love God with everything you are and love others as yourself. Sometimes I wonder what would it mean to live in such a way that people talk in this town about our youth ministry like they talk about Notre Dame football.
NOTRE DAME TAILGATE/GAME – Friendship stories being written and told
Yesterday I was at the Notre Dame game. My sister works for Marriott and wanted to do some NETWORKING. She’s had some guests who have been staying at the Marriott for years and every week they invite her out to their tailgate party and, a lot of times, to the actual game. Usually she doesn’t take them up on it, but yesterday she did. She didn’t want to go alone, so who did she call? Her little sister, oh yeah!
The MARRIOTT VAN drove us down and there were a couple sitting in front of us. The guy got on his cell phone and was telling whoever he was talking to, “Yeah, we made it, I can’t believe it, we’re getting dropped off right in front of the Gold Dome! It’s amazing! I’ll call you from inside!” My thought, “yeah, so what…dude must of watched Rudy one too many times.” He then proceeds to get out of the van, accidentally drop his tickets on the sidewalk and walk away. I picked them up, scalped them for $400 and went home a happy girl. Just kidding, we gave them back. He was grateful for our honesty.
Now, I’ve had the chance to go to games a number of times, but actually ONLY WENT ONCE when I was about 12. At the game, I remember missing the slow motion replays and being able to see gorgeous guys like Brady Quinn on the big screen. Not to mention, they all look like little one inch midgets on the field from way up in the stands. The funny thing about it, I’ve lived in the South Bend area for a whole lot of years and really had no idea what went on home game days at Notre Dame. I wasn’t stupid, I knew there was tailgating kind of fun stuff and had seen it from the “driving down Juniper road perspective”, but I was never in the midst of it. I never felt it to the full extent…that was until yesterday.
We came onto the campus from the west side, a side I’d never scene. Oh my gosh, there were people everywhere! I could have people watched all day long. It was amazing. While I was enjoying my time just walking and tailgating, my mind kept drifting back to you and the series we’re in…Entourage – who are you surrounding yourself with? As I was in the stadium, I wondered what kind of friendship stories were being WRITTEN, what kind were being TOLD amongst the bazillion people there. No doubt, some great ones – ones of encouragement, love, laughter and hope. No doubt, ones not so great – ones of betrayal, deceit and defeat. As you looked in peoples eyes walking down tailgate row, as you overheard conversations in the stands here and there, you knew there were some interesting relational dynamics going on. Friends, who you surround yourself with can make you or break you. They can catapult you forward in your relationship with Christ or drag you under.
When Corey asked me what the #1 one thing I looked for when it comes to friends, I quickly blurted out “ONES THAT ARE TRUSTWORTHY”.
What does it mean you to be TRUSTWORTHY? Go to whiteboard.
This has been a big deal to me since I was young. I remember when I was in fourth grade when I had MRS. WENDELL AT MARY FRANK. She was the most amazing teacher…ever. You could earn fake money by doing your homework, having perfect attendance and other stuff like that. At the end of the year, you could spend it on all sorts of fun stuff. And since I was this incredibly shy, obedient, angelic child up until I was about 13 and did everything I was supposed to, I had mad cash. In fact, I was one of the first to get a $1,000 bill. I think I stared at that $1,000 bill for hours. Unfortunately, one day my $1,000 bill got ripped off. I was devastated. It was just gone, poof.
A few days later I was at my friend Darla’s house and guess what was sitting right there, on top of her dresser. $1,000 bill. I knew it was mine by the creases and dirt marks. While I didn’t accuse her of taking it, I made mention of the fact that she had a $1,000 bill on top of her dresser. She made up some lame excuse, like it was her brothers from last year and that “I could have it if I wanted it.” I said “no, that’s ok” even though I knew it was mine. That day, my devastation over losing the $1,000 was overshadowed by the fact that one of my good friends had taken it. Darla broke my trust that day and it was never to be regained.
So since I was young, before I knew the line “LOVE THE SINNER, HATE THE SIN”, if someone were to ask me Judy what kind of people do you hate, I’d be quick with my response. “Liars, cheaters and thieves.” Darla was all three. She was a thief, she stole from me. She cheated at the money game by not earning it. She lied to me when I saw the money on the dresser.
Now a days I wouldn’t say it’s the people I hate the most, because we’re supposed to love everyone; however, I would still say that lying, cheating and stealing are the behaviors I hate the most. Boil it down, the primary reason is that in all three situations TRUST IS ERODED AND IN MANY CASE FLAT OUT BROKEN FOR A LONG TIME TO COME.
I’ve further defined “to be trustworthy” since then. I want friends who are trustworthy not only that they wouldn’t lie, cheat or steal from me (or even for me), but I could trust them to have my back. Even if we are fighting like cats and dogs in the moment, with others they would…
Defend me, not deny me.
Lift me up, not let me down.
Help me, not hurt me.
Being trustworthy is a big deal to me and evidently it’s a big deal to Jesus and in the Bible. One of the books I became very fascinated by three years ago was the book of Hosea. Any idea what it’s about? A guy was instructed by the Lord to marry an adulterer, that’s enough to leave you scratching your head. Some of you right now are thinking, “Ewwww. Judy you’re weird.” Well, yes I am. Others are like “really…go on.” Some of you are like, “I’m not married, what does that have to do with me?” Good questions. A lot. Because adultery happens long before it hits the bedroom. Often times, it’s practiced much earlier in our relationships with our friends. We practice things that lead to adultery in the big game – unfaithfulness, dishonesty – we flat out practice being untrustworthy. Once again, not always, but often times if we’re untrustworthy in our friendships, ultimately we’ll be untrustworthy in our marriage.
You’d be hard pressed to find someone who teaches out of the book of Hosea. Adultery is NOT A PRETTY PICTURE to paint. In fact, it’s probably the worst picture you could paint when it comes to defining what it means to be trustworthy. In book of Hosea, the Lord instructs Hosea to marry a wife that is and will be an adulterer…a liar, cheater and thief in more ways than one. So in chapter 1, he marries Gomer, not the ideal girl name, but hey maybe back in the day, who knows. They have three kids. In chapter 2, the Lord tells the kids to drive their unfaithful mom out of the house, not to get rid of her but to wake her up. For she was ripping their heart out. Hosea was ordered to continue loving her and, in chapter 3, to eventually take her back. When you read the story, you’re left wondering what in the world?
But the story is pretty much a bunch of SYMBOLISM. Hosea is the Lord and the Israelites, God’s people, are the adulterous wife, Gomer. You see God’s people had walked away from Him. They got tied up in all sorts of worship to Baal and the gods of the Canaanite people. In essence, they committed adultery. In fact, that very word is used in Hosea 4:1-2,
Hear the word of the LORD, you Israelites, because the LORD has a charge to bring against you who live in the land: "There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land.
There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery...
Hosea 4:1-2
As a result, God allowed them to be taken captive and exiled. They were ripping His heart out. He didn’t want to harm them, He wanted to help them. They were off course, headed in the wrong direction, toward destruction and needed to wake up. Despite their disloyalty to Him, His commitment and love for them did not change. It remained steadfast.
He tells Hosea,
"Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods…”
Hosea 3:1
He longed for them to turn their hearts back toward him.
The Lord longs for people who are trustworthy, who will…
Defend Him, not deny Him.
Lift Him up, not let Him down.
Help Him, not hurt Him.
He words it this way in Hosea 6:6
For I desire loyalty, not sacrifice, and acknowledgement of God rather than burnt offerings.
Hosea 6:6
WHEN YOU MESS UP - Fine China vs. Paper Plates
God pleads with Israel to turn back, to confess their sin and seek forgiveness. In return, He promises to heal them and love them…to restore their relationship. GOD NEVER GIVES UP ON US. In Facing the Giants, one of the players Matt, is kind of a jerk to his dad in one scene. As Mark Beeson would say, he treated him like a throw away paper plate when he should have treated him like fine china. But, God is pursuing Matt. Here’s the outcome.
FACING THE GIANTS – Pray for Revival – sermonspice.com
Matt got right with his heavenly father and his earthly father. He went on to walk into his fathers office where his father and his partner were looking over some business plans and said “Dad, I’m sorry for the way I treated you.” As his dad sits there in stunned silence, Matt walks away. The partner says to Matt’s father, “I’d give anything to hear my son say that.”
Friends, there will be times you screw up, hopefully not, but probably will…you will have treated a friend like a throw away paper plate when you should have treated them like china.
You didn’t defend, instead you denied.
You didn’t lift up, instead you let down.
You didn’t help, instead you hurt.
When that happens, the way we respond will be dependent on the condition of our heart. Will we minimize or justify away our behavior and cast some of the blame on them…or will we come face to face with our mistake, take the consequences and seek forgiveness. Sin has consequences. Breaking trust is like BREAKING SOMETHING, sometimes you can put it back together, sometimes you can’t.
Whether a person chooses to forgive you and, better yet, go the extra step and restore the relationship will be up to them. You are only responsible for your own behavior.
But I think coming face to face with it makes all the difference in the world. I think that made all the difference in the world with Jesus’ disciples. Both Judas and Peter betrayed Jesus. Judas sold out Jesus to those wanting him dead for thirty silver coins. Meanwhile, even after Jesus predicted it, Peter denied that he even knew Jesus three times before the roster crowed. But in the end, Judas ran from Jesus and Peter ran to Him.
Give God your best in your relationship with Him and each other. Honor Him. Do it right the first time, but just in case you don’t, come face to face with your sin and seek forgiveness. Give your all, no regrets. Check out this last clip.
FACING THE GIANTS – Attempt the Impossible – sermonspice.com
When you get to the end of your life may Jesus be able to look you in the eye and say, “I love you and I’m proud of you” (words in the movie clip). The one – love – is a given, as it was with the Israelites, God’s love does not ebb and flow, it does not come and go. The other – I’m proud of you – now, that’s got to be earned. Fight the Giants. I’m not talking a football team. I’m talking about the giant situations that you’ll face in life that want to destroy your relationships, the temptations that should you succumb to, will not allow you to be trusted. My prayer is that you will stand up against them like a stone wall. Give your best to God. Set the pace for those around you. Show yourself trustworthy. Jesus and the people around us are asking us to…
Defend them, not deny them.
Lift them up, not let them down.
Help them, not hurt them.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Free ND Tickets are Sweeeeeeeet

Did a little tailgating with my sis today. She knows people. I know people too, but she knows people with a lot of more money. Wow, the stories she can tell. Anyway, her friends were very cool and gave us free tickets to the Notre Dame vs. UCLA game. At half time, I said "no worries, they'll pull it out, they just need some time." As predicted, they waited until the last minute...literally. It's almost like ND comes on the field feeling a little underchallenged when it comes to game days like today. It's like they don't put their game face on until the last few minutes. UCLA came out unified and strong all day long, along with their fans. Good times, good times.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
John Maxwell on Myspace
Then I realized that Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar and David Yonggi Cho have myspaces as well. To top it off Charles Stanley has a myspace and was "on-line" when I went to it. Can that be possible?
The icing on the cake was when I saw that Smith Wigglesworth had a myspace. That must be quite the wireless system they got going on in heaven.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Ozzy Osbourne and Mike Tyson in One Night with the King
One Night with the King is the story of Esther in the Bible. As far as the movie goes, I know there are mixed reviews. I think it boils down to the fact that it's a chick flick for females who are somewhat into the stories of the Bible (not that you have to be, but I think it helps to pull you in). The main problem was that the characters were underdeveloped (it didn't help that some of them looked alike), as well as the storyline. If they could have cleared some of that confusion up at the onset, I think it would have helped. There was one guy, Prince Admantha (Ozzy), for the life of me I couldn't figure out if he existed in the actual Bible story. However, once I figured out who was who and got over the fact that I couldn't figure out who Ozzy was, it was a good, very clean flick with a few lines to use for movie clips at a later date. I went with Jeanna, Jerica, Ruby, Susanna and Rachel, so that made it even better. All in all I give it a thumbs up, but would encourage people to read the story in the Bible first.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Discussion Guide, Cue Sheet and Message from 10-11-06
GameDay – Go Practice - 10.11.06
Sub-Divide Your Eagle’s Nest into Smaller Groups and Take Attendance
5 minutes
Sub-divide into as many small groups as your leadership base can handle. Chris will be coming around to check on you. If you need an additional leader, we’ll figure out how to get you one.
Have each student fill out a small card with their FIRST and LAST name on it. Check the cards as you collect them, our students have a sense of humor sometimes. If someone is new, ask them if they filled out a big card at the registration table (if not, give them one of the big cards in your box).
Discussion Questions
20 minutes
1. Have your group lean in, pick a scribe. Turn to SIDE ONE of your GREEN CARD (card is in Eagle’s Nest box). Brainstorm as many different areas people need to serve in for the weekend service and Oasis to be successful. As a student gives you an idea (have them shout them out or go around the circle; however, if you go around the circle, quickly help out anyone who gets stuck), have the team figure out which category it best falls into based on the four outlined. There are a few examples on your green card, below are a few more.
Center Stage (teacher, drama, band, small group leader, video producer, etc.)
First Impressions (as you walk in the door stuff – café, check-in, bookstore, greeter, etc.)
Tech Team (lights, sound, media, etc.)
Support Staff (grounds upkeep, cleaning, set-up, take-down, mailings, etc.)
There are other areas as well (ex. financial contributor, architect, construction worker), these are just four of many.
2. Flip over to the SIDE TWO of your GREEN CARD and brainstorm how we can serve various people in our community to make it a better place.
Poor, homeless, jobless, etc.
Miscellaneous people
3. After you’re done brainstorming, pass the GREEN CARD around the circle and ask each person, “If you had to pick one or two things, what makes your heart beat fast, what do you think you’d like to do the most?”
4. Very briefly…
a. Talk about ways to get involved – 2nd Saturday, Son City, MC3, Weekend Service, Oasis, Mission Trips, Etc. Some of what we are called to do we will love and is exactly what God wired us for, other stuff we need to do just because it needs to get done (like picking up trash).
b. Talk about taking initiative. Don’t expect people to come and knock on your door, go and knock on theirs. Talk with your parents, if it’s ok by them, talk with whoever is in charge of the ministry.
c. Talk about responsibility. It’s ok if you find out that something isn’t a fit for you. For example, maybe you quickly realize babies and poopy diapers aren’t your thing. If it’s not a good fit, DON’T just stop showing up, make the phone call or send an email to the ministry leader.
Otherwise, show up when you’re supposed to show up, call or email when you can’t make it. People are counting on you. You can do itJ
Close in prayer and hand out 2nd Saturday and Guy’s Retreat postcard
5 Minutes
Oasis – Cue Sheet
GameDay – Go Practice - 10.11.06
6:25 Walk-In Video: NFL Greatest Moments, end with GameDay graphic up
6:30 Welcome, Series Intro and Game (students get name tags if they didn’t check in) – John
GameDay Series Slide Up for Welcome and Intro, then
Johnny’s Game PowerPoint Slide(s) Up for Game
At end, Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #1 – Relentless, Engage, WS, EO, SC, 180
6:45 Judy’s Message – Red
Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #1
Total Recall Slides Up for Total Recall
GameDay Series Slide Up for Message (before and after video clip)
Brian’s Song Video Clip of Knee Injury (Judy will call for it)
Scripture PowerPoint (Judy will call for it)
Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #2 – Crossfire, RS, TF, Elevate, Testify, HV
Eagle’s Nest- Blue
7:20 Transition Time
Outgoing students out the Auditorium by Wal-Mart Doors (except Crossfire and Rock Solid go out Café Doors)
All incoming students in the Auditorium by Atrium Doors
7:25 Eagle’s Nest - Red
Judy’s Message - Blue
Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #2
Total Recall Slides Up for Total Recall
GameDay Series Slide Up for Message (before and after video clip)
Brian’s Song Video Clip of Knee Injury (Judy will call for it)
Scripture PowerPoint (Judy will call for it)
8:00 Transition Time – Eagle’s Nest Students In, Announcements and Giveaways
Guy’s Retreat, Skateboarding, 2nd Saturday, Ministry Sign Ups
8:10 Wrap-Up with Glue Boys Video – Judy
8:15 Worship
Relentless Atrium Skylight (Crossfire)
Engage Atrium Stage (Rock Solid)
Wildside Great Room (The Force)
Eagle One Penguin Room (Elevate)
Soul Candy In Front of the Wal-Mart Doors by New Entrance (Testify)
180 Bottom of Stairs by Wal-Mart Doors by New Entrance (High Voltage)
Oasis – Message
GameDay – Go Practice - 10.11.06
Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #1
Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #1
Total Recall Slides Up for Total Recall
GameDay Series Slide Up for Message (Video and Scripture PP when called for)
Recap / drive last weeks message home again
Any football fans in here? I love football! I love to watch it, I love to play it, I love movies about it! I’ve seen Remember the Titans, Invincible, Friday Night Lights, you name it. I know it’s odd because I’m a girl, but I dig football.
My Greatest Play. I played girls flag football in college where they had the weirdest rules…anyone could catch the ball. Is that crazy or what? So, here I am, on the offensive line, I’m playing center, we’re down to the final seconds of the game and no one has scored. They tell me to cut between the defensive line and turn around in the end zone. We’re about 15 yards out. We run the play, I dodge left then right, turn around, defenders all around me, I never expected the play to work in a million years, but here’s the ball coming straight at me. The next five seconds were a total blur; all I know is that I came down with the ball. It was the only touchdown we ever scored.
I think I love football in part because I love to do life as a team, as a family. I’ve got a team of friends around me who celebrate with me when it is an end zone kind of day, they pick me up when I feel thrown to the ground or cast aside, they cover me when I’m tired, off balanced or have people coming at me from all sides. If I need someone, whenever or wherever, they’re there. If they need me, I’m there. I’ve been careful who I linked arms with, who I’ve allowed in my huddle, my inner circle.
A Favorite Football Movie. One of the first football movies I ever saw was a movie entitled Brian’s Song. It’s a tear jerker about two football players, one black – Gayle Sayers – and one white – Brian Piccolo. They began as teammates, then became roommates (which was unheard of back then) and quickly became best friends. They saw each other through thick and thin – the good, the bad, the ugly…and it got ugly, Gayle blew out his knee and ultimately Brian losses his battle with cancer.
I want you to see a clip from this movie, so tonight we’re goin’ old skool. Let’s take a peek at the scene where Gayle messes up his knee and Brian’s there to greet him when he gets home. Check this out.
Brian’s Song Video Clip of Knee Injury
Gayle linked arms with the right person when he picked Brian to be his best friend or when Brian picked him. I’m not sure if he chose Brian or Brian chose him, I just know it was a good choice.
After Gayle got hurt, Brian was there before he even walked in the door. The leg lift machine was already set up. I love the speech, there was no way he was going to let his friend lay down and die, there was no way he was going to let him give up or give in.
“I’m number two all over again. Well, ol’ buddy, I’m number one guy now for all the wrong reasons. Unless you come back 100%, people are going to say Piccolo got in on a pass, a lucky break. See I don’t want it like that. I’m going to whip you Sayers, but you got to be at your best or it won’t mean a thing. You’re not going to be one second slower, not one degree weaker. I’m going to work your tail off to get that leg back in shape…for my sake. You got that.”
Brain calls Dr. Fox and asks, “How he’s he doing? Pretty well, I think. It’s pretty boring going through all the exercises. A lot of people just give up when their alone in that situation.”
He didn’t give up because he wasn’t alone! Brian was on his team, he had his back.
The Bible says in Proverbs 27:17,
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 (NIV)
You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 (Message)
If you surround yourself with the right people, they will make you better. Brian not only helped Gayle get back on his feet, but in the process they made each other better. Brian went from playing second string to Gayle, to being in the starting line up with him. They were the dynamic duo. Who sharpens you like that when it comes to your relationship with Christ? Who do you sharpen? (Pause for a moment)
Once again, you want people who have their feet pointed in the same direction as you - toward Christ. People who have the same desires, goals, hunger to win. For Brady Quinn, it’s talented football players. For you and me, it should be those who want to find out more about and grow closer to Jesus. Those who don’t want an average life. They want God to put his extra on their ordinary. His super on their natural. Those who want to go wide – bring as many people along on the ride as possible. Those who want to go deep – really know Jesus, what makes His heart beat fast, what puts a smile on his face. People who want to win, not just in football but in life.
Let’s move out of the huddle
How do we sharpen each other? There are many ways. But tonight we are going to talk about just one, you sharpen each other by practicing together “BEING” the church. In order to do that, it takes a lot more people than just those in your huddle, your inner circle. Your huddle or inner circle is good as long as you don’t just exist there and there alone; otherwise it becomes a holy huddle (the dark side of doing life with a close knit group) and you’re not good for much. My world can’t just be my four and no more. I can’t just skate with my eight or stay in the pen with my ten (ok, that was corny). At some point we’ve got to break and turn outward and begin to practice what we know, we need to live out the playbook.
Let me illustrate it this way (talk about the part that I didn't get to last week). Who won the Notre Dame game last weekend? Notre Dame did, but when it comes to football who do they typically attribute the win to, what player? Should it be that? Who helped Brady Quinn to look good on the field? If Brady didn’t have those in his huddle or if that huddle would have never broke, they’d of never won. In church, if it’s successful, who do they attribute the win to? The pastor. Should it be that way? The quarterback and pastor give direction, yes and it’s absolutely necessary - pivotal, but it takes the team to succeed, to pull off the win.
WHITE BOARD – Divide into four sections, as students shout out roles/positions, put them into the best fit column (Center Stage, First Impressions, Tech Team, Support Staff)
Center Stage – players, coaches, referees, fans
First Impressions – ticket takers, concession people, merchandise salespeople, waterboy
Tech Team – Camera team, sound guys, media team, research analysis, lighting dude
Support Staff – Someone needs to coordinate clean-up, put TP in the restroom, grounds keeper, facilities manager, someone put the game books together, pay the bills, process the payroll.
Where are these positions played out in the church? Talk about four areas (ex. players are like the band and teaching pastor, concessions and merchandise people are like the café and bookstore workers, tech is like tech (someone has the camera on me, the sound going out and the video about ready to play right now), our facility, housekeeping and administrative people have similar roles as well - they cut the grass, put TP in the restroom and pay the bills).
They’re virtually identical and are all important. What role or position will you take? Because there is a role and position for you to play. You have a role, you have a position, step into it. We cannot be who we are called to be without you. We’re something less than 100%.
Why was Notre Dame able to succeed, to accomplish their goal? Because they showed up, everyone played their part and they practiced the playbook.
The church will succeed, we will accomplish what God has called us to if we show up, play our part and practice the playbook – the Bible. Not just know it, live it!
Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works. Faith without works is dead.
James 2:26
Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #2
Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #2
WRAP UP (When all students are back in the Auditorium)
We can’t play your best game if not everyone is playing.
You know who Jesus can’t use?
The only one Jesus couldn’t work with – the only He couldn’t put his super on their natural, His extra in their ordinary – is the one who refused to get up off the bench and the one who insisted on remaining in their holy huddle.
No Excuses:
Moses (I studder)
David (I’m small)
Matthew (I’m a tax collector)
Luke (I’m a doctor)
Peter (I’m just an unschooled fisherman).
Jesus knows it’s kind of scary to step into the game and up to the line. When he sent his disciples out, he sent them in teams of two. Don’t do life alone, do it together, link arms with someone as you step onto the field and up to the line.
Going Global:
I just want to close tonight by going global…going outside the four walls of the church. You talked about it a little bit tonight in your Eagle’s Nests when you talk about what we can do in our community to make it a better place… but it goes beyond that, to the ends of the earth. There was a day when we probably couldn’t be held responsible because we just didn’t know what was going on half way across the world. But not today. There are people doing what God wired them to do, capturing footage and creating videos of things like the Tsunami in India and the HIV/AIDS epidemic or pandemic in Africa.
Let me show you a piece of one young man’s video.
Glue Boys Video
Is there not a cause to get up off the bench, to move beyond our holy huddle? There are little boys and girls with hunger in their belly, who are cold at night, and find their hope in a bottle of glue. It’s the only way to subdue the pain. As Dr. Fox said, “A lot of people just give up when their alone in that situation.” No one is called to be alone. We’re called to BE the church.
Some of you are or will be called to go to the ends of the earth, to India and Africa, no doubt. You don’t have to fear it, if it is God’s will it will become the desire of your heart. But, more than likely, you’re not heading there tomorrow. God’s called you to take your first step that way, by being faithful right where you’re planted. Begin by BEING the church, here and now.
What I want them to know: There is a position for them to play within and outside the four walls of the church.
What I want them to do: (1) Reflect on how God has wired them. (2) Join us for Second Saturday over the weekend (outside our walls). (3) Sign up to serve somewhere in the church (within our walls).
Oasis and Lifeline Rocked Second Saturday





We worked hard and had a blast at Feed the Children this weekend. I took pics, then handed Kelly and Amy a whole lot of thin spagetti. Jeanna and Kelsey were rockin' the curly noodles in one line with Jerica, Natalie and Jessica in another. The boys were jammin' with the cereal. Boatloads of other Oasis students could be found up and down all three lines.
We ended with a bunch of us going to CiCi's for pizza. I think we started a new tradition. Second Saturdays and CiCi's, gotta nice ring to it.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Seven Steps to Jeanne Mayo
Monday, October 09, 2006
Checkpoint #1: Authentic Faith
PRINCIPLE: God can be trusted. He is who he says He is and will do everything He has promised to do.
KEY PASSAGE: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Conference after conference, meeting after meeting, camp after camp, they raise their hand AGAIN to indicate that they are receiving Christ as their Savior. They’re not sure it “took” the last time.
Two factors more than anything else are responsible for shattering the faith of young people.
1. Poor choices. When “believing” students veer off course morally, relationally, or ethically, they are immediately confronted with a tidal wave of guilt. And there are only two ways they can get rid of guilt: ask forgiveness and change their behavior OR change their belief system. If students can convince themselves that there is nothing wrong with what they are doing, their guilt is greatly diminished. Changing how they believe is often easier than changing how they behave.
Many “used-to-believe” students decided at some point to trade in their faith for a more convenient lifestyle. Their faith is based on convenience rather than conviction. Their faith can be summarized this way: What’s happening now, what I’m feeling now, determines what I belief FOR now.
2. Unexplainable tragedy. Painful or adverse circumstances that don’t “fit” with the students’ understanding of the character of God or the Christian faith. When students are confronted with tragedy, the ask, “How could a good God allow this to happen? Why didn’t He stop it?”
As long as our students’ faith is grounded in what they see and experience, their faith will always be fragile—totally dependent upon their ability (or inability) to interpret the events and circumstance around them.
Jesus, Joseph (slavery), Moses (wilderness), Book of Hebrews
Noah (God’s promise...of rain), Abraham (…of land), Gideon (…of victory), Joshua (…of success).
Apostles deaths (understood that the foundation of their faith was not always getting the answer they wanted)
NEED TO KNOW: Why they can have faith in who Jesus is, who the Father is, the gifts He wants to give us, the promises He made (mercy & grace) and hasn’t made, and salvation. Reveal pitfalls and lies.
The foundation of Christian faith is a person (Jesus) not a circumstance.
Faith based on the identity of Christ – Jesus walked on this earth, claimed to be God, gave evidence supporting His claim, died for our sin, rose from the dead, and went back to heaven in plain view of hundreds of witnesses. He is who he says He is. As a result, don’t worry about bad things, he understands. He died for our sins, so there is no reason to doubt his love. He promised to come back for them, so don’t fear what happens next in life.
Faith is not a way for them to get what they want from God. It’s not a force or a power. Nor is it mere confidence that God will act or wishful thinking.
The bridge from wishful thinking to faith is the revelation of God—the wonderful promises He gives to us in His Word. Faith is confidence that God is who He says He is and that He will do all He has promised to do.
Why we resist: We all want to be in the driver’s seat. Authentic faith puts God firmly in control of our lives and leaves Him with the option to say no. As long as they are trying to get something FROM God, they will have a difficult time surrendering their lives TO God.
Present God as the perfect father.
“God is not a REFLECTION of our earthly fathers; He is the PERFECTION of our earthly fathers.” Louie Giglio. God loves to give good gifts to His children who ask (Matthew 7:11). However, as a perfect Father, God would not dare give His children everything they ask for. He knows that many things teenagers think they want so badly are simply not good for them—in fact, some are downright dangerous to their spiritual lives. They can trust Him.
Distinguish between what God has and has not promised. Students struggle with “unmet expectations” of God. We must help our students learn to distinguish between God’s promises and their own expectations. There are many things God has not promised that they might wish He had. God has NOT promised to keep bad things from happening to them (ex. Apostles). He has NOT promised to heal every illness. He has NOT promised to reverse the consequences of sin. Yet, while He has not promised these things, there are occasions when He intervenes and does all of these things.
Can count on mercy and grace (Hebrews 4:14-16).
Mercy is the assurance that God will never allow the pressures or heartbreaks of life to be more than they can bear. He knows what they are experiencing (temptations, rejection, failure, fear, abandonment)
Grace is the strength to endure, the ability to carry on. He has not promised to deliver them FROM their circumstances; He has promised to deliver then THROUGH them.
Saving Faith
I talk to students all the time who have “prayed the prayer” over and over and still aren’t sure if they are “saved”. This confusion stems from a general misunderstanding about the nature of faith. Many students have the notion that the quality of their faith is an issue with God.
God has promised to forgive our sins once and for all if we put our trust in Christ’s death as the payment for those sins. That’s it. That’s the gospel.
When students come to me doubting their salvation, I don’t ask them if they have prayed to receive Christ. I ask them what they are trusting in to get them to heaven. Nearly every time they answer, “I am trusting in Jesus.” To which I respond, “Then you are in!”
Faith must have an object (belief in a person/product) and content (belief in something about person/produce)
The object of saving faith is Jesus—not just God. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” But what specifically do students need to believe about Jesus?
The content of saving faith is like a pair of concrete stakes that must be driven deep into their teenage hearts:
(1) Jesus is the Son of God, and (2) His death on the cross paid the penalty for all of their sins—apart from
anything they do or intend to do to try to “earn” their salvation.
Salvation is a gift from God. It is not a reward gift. God does not offer it because we deserve it. God offers every person salvation because that is His desire. Students can rest in the fact that God saved them by grace through faith—just because He wanted to.
“We receive enlightenment only in proportion as we give ourselves more and more completely to God by humble submission and love. We do not first see, and then act: we act, then see…and that is why the man who waits to see clearly before he will believe, never starts on the journey.” Thomas Merton
Series ideas:
Can you hear me now? (Seeing the big picture, judging current events in context of a lifetime, ex. shots)
Choices or Walk the Line or Ouch, that hurt (When you walk the fence something has got to give)
Series of Unfortunate Events (Why do bad things happen?)
Identity Theft (Things and people who steal your identity)
I AM and I WILL (God is who He says He is and He will do all He has promised to do)
NASCAR – Who’s in the driver’s seat? (Give God control and our desire to take it)
Out of Control. (God knows best)
Pinky Swear (God’s promises)
Been there, done that and wrote the book
Sunday, October 08, 2006
My notes straight from the book...
While we have been consumed by context, the content of what we invest in students has taken a backseat. Most of us have spent little time determining what our students need to know before they graduate from high school. Our days are spent planning activities and designing camp T-shirts. Often the core of what we want students to learn gets lost in the shuffle.
Think for a moment about the class of students you just graduated from your ministry. What are the four or five key concepts, principles, or lessons you believe they walked away with as a result of their time under your leadership?
Just about every morsel of relevant or irrelevant information they pick up is being served to them on a platter designed to stimulate the senses. If it doesn’t entertain them, they aren’t interested. This is why so many of us have rushed to create high energy, entertainment-driven contexts for our ministries. And so we should—as long as the content doesn’t suffer. But it is hard to stay content-focused when the “show” takes up so much time and energy.
We need a SYSTEMATIC plan that lays out for us ahead of time the “irreducible minimum” around which to plan our teaching and curriculum choices.
These seven student-specific principles are the irreducible minimum—the must-know, can’t be without principles. They are not all that is important. But they are what is most important for students. I am convinced that these are the seven basic principles every student should understand, commit to memory, and embrace before they leave the safety of their homes and youth ministries.
As far as this week goes...
What I wanted students to know:
1. Oasis' Traditions and Expectations
2. They need Jesus first and foremost, but they also need to link arms with people whose feet are pointed in the same direction as theirs. Eagle's Nests (breakout groups) will help them do that.
What I want students to do:
1. Live up to the traditions and expectations out of love and respect. If they don't live up to the traditions and expectations, the consequences should not be a surprise.
2. I want students to link arms, make friends with, those whose feet are pointed in the same direction.
Props to Andy Stanley. I used some of his friendship stuff found in Seven Check Points. And of course, Mark Beeson, who continually challenges us to consider which direction our feet and life are pointed. One of the most simple, but not easy, visual illustrations to remember and try to live out.
Oasis - Cue Sheet
GameDay – Go Team
6:25 Walk-In Guy’s Paintball Video
6:30 Welcomes and Intro’s Worship – Judy
6:32 Worship
6:45 Teach Time (Group 1) / Eagle’s Nest
(I’ll call for them as I need them)
PowerPoint GAME DAY Slide Up
PowerPoint GAME DAY Slide Back Up
3 PowerPoint VERSES
7:25 Announcements PowerPoint Slides and Giveaways - John
Guy’s Retreat
Skateboarding Trip
7:35 Teach Time (Group 2) / Eagle’s Nest
(I’ll call for them as I need them)
PowerPoint GAME DAY Slide Up
PowerPoint GAME DAY Slide Back Up
3 PowerPoint VERSES
8:15 Game (Doors open for Eagle’s Nest 2 at 8:10) – John and the gang
If we don’t have enough time, we’ll make throw out a couple of Total Recall Questions instead
Relentless – Atrium Skylight
Engage – Atrium Stage
Wildside – Great Room
Eagle One – Penguin Room
Soul Candy – In Front of the Wal-Mart Doors (New Entrance)
180 – Bottom of Stairs by Wal-Mart Doors (New Entrance)
Crossfire – Atrium Skylight
Rock Solid – Atrium Stage
The Force – Great Room
Elevate – Penguin Room
Testify – In Front of the Wal-Mart Doors (New Entrance)
High Voltage – Bottom of Stairs by Wal-Mart Doors (New Entrance)
Oasis – Eagle’s Nest Discussion Guide
GameDay – Go Team
Note to Leaders: You are amazing…as I said in my email to you yesterday. Don’t ever doubt that! The future population of heaven will be increased because of what Jesus does in you and through you this year. I’m totally, totally serious. When students (and adults) choose Jesus, future generations of families are changed forever. It begins here and now. Thank you for showing up to love not on “my” students, not on “their” students, but “our” students. As Jeremy Post would say, “Good Work!”
Sub-Divide Your Eagle’s Nest into Smaller Groups – 5 minutes
Sub-divide into as many small groups as your leadership base can handle. Chris will be coming around to check on you. If you need an additional leader, we’ll figure out how to get you one. Remember it will be a little chaotic tonight, so breathe deep. If you remain calm, cool and collected, so will the students.
Take Attendance – 5 minutes (Coaches, please assign one person to pick up your box each week)
This is huge, not so much for this week, but in subsequent weeks. Begin by practicing today. Have each student fill out a small card with their FIRST and LAST name on it. They think it’s for the drawing and they are correct, in part. It’s for us to know who showed up too, everyone doesn’t always check in. The little cards help us to monitor attendance, so that we can send them a note if they stop coming. Check the cards as you collect them, our students have a sense of humor sometimes.
If someone is new, ask them if they filled out a big card at the registration table (if not, give them one of the big cards in your box). How do you know if they are new? Just ask out loud, “Is this the first week for anyone to be at Oasis?” Whether they get birthday cards, newcomer cards, notes of encouragement, flyers, etc., rises and falls on you…no pressureJ You’ll do just fine.
Discussion Questions – 25 minutes
1. Go around the circle and have them tell their name and 2-3 things they absolutely love to do.
Do names around the circle a couple of times…fast, slow, go around the circles backwards, forwards, etc. Ask for a volunteer or two and see if they can remember the names of all the people in the circle. Give candy to the first person that can say all the names correct (candy is in your box). If all of your students know each other, see if they can say all the names (for your sake, not theirs) and at least one thing each of the people in the group loved.
2. Talk about what Eagle’s Nests (break out groups) are about. (Ex. It’s a safe place to get to know each other. It’s a place where you can come and learn, grow and talk about what’s going on in your life. It’s a place where someone will pray for and encourage you.)
3. Dream the dream. Ask them what they would like the Eagle’s Nest time to look like. How do you want it to feel? What will it take to make this the best year ever in Eagle’s Nest?
4. If you knew that whoever you invited to Oasis could be in your breakout group, who would you invite?
5. Go around the circle and talk about ONE of your best friends. I know you have SEVEN of them, but just choose one. Tell us a little bit about them and how you met. Who made the first move toward friendship – did you choose them or did they choose you? (i.e. who made the first step toward friendship)
6. Close in prayer; however, before you do talk about it. What prayer is (a conversation with Jesus), why you pray, etc. As you get deeper in the year, you can do popcorn prayer. Tonight, just close in prayer as the leader.
Oasis – Message
GameDay – Go Team
This is our fourth week of Oasis together. I missed you so much last week when I was in California, it just about killed me not to be here. I kept looking at my cell phone time. I wanted to call and check in how your night was. 4 p.m (7 p.m. your time)…no, 4:30 p.m…no, 5:00 p.m…no, 5:30 p.m…no, ugh finally 5:45 p.m. rolled around (8:45 p.m. your time) and I was dialing. I love you guys. And now that we are four weeks in, we’re hitting our stride. The people around you are who we’re going to do life with for the rest of the year. This is your family, this is your team. There’s nothing better than family, there’s nothing better than team. There’s nothing better than doing life…together.
Tonight we’re going to lay the foundation for the next 8 or 9 months. We’ll begin by talking about the traditions and expectations of Oasis. The traditions and expectations not that you have for me or I have for you, but we have for each other – out of love and respect.
I remember one student last year who literally made my day, actually made my month when he made this comment when asked who was one of his heroes and he said “Judy, you are”. I asked “really, why”. His answer, “because you respect me.” I want you all to be able to say that, not only of me and your leaders, but those in this room as well.
Knowing the traditions and expectations help us to do life well. It will help Oasis to be the best it can possible be. It puts us all on the same page…no surprises. So let’s hit the big 10 out of the gate.
1. APPROPRIATE PHYSICAL CONTACT. No hand holding, kissing or stuff like that. We'll leave that stuff for the married people to do...at home. High fives are great.
2. STAY ON CAMPUS. Once you are dropped off here, here is where we’ll stay.
3. RESOLVE CONFLICT THE RIGHT WAY. No fist fights or anything like it.
4. ENCOURAGE, ENCOURAGE, ENCOURAGE. NO CUT DOWNS OR INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE. We want Oasis to be different than a lot of other places in the world. We want it to be a safe place, a place of encouragement, a place of hope.
5. GUARD THE EYES OF THE GUYS (AND GIRLS). Wear appropriate clothing. If we see a girl or guy that has inappropriate clothing, we have t-shirts they can wear. We won’t embarrass you in front of your friends, but will pull you aside and help you out.
6. KNOW THE PLACES YOU CAN HANG AND WHEN YOU CAN HANG THERE. There are plenty of places you can be – atrium, café area, grassy area outside main doors, sidewalk, coned-off blacktop area. Just a couple places you can’t be – lower level outside and inside (except pre-Oasis prayer time and Eagle’s Nest). After Oasis, you can be on the sidewalk in front of the building or the Atrium only.
8. CHAIRS FOR EVERYONE. I know six of you can fit on one chair, but we’re not going there. We have enormous amounts of chairs, everyone gets one of their own to sit in.
9. R-E-S-P-E-C-T YOUR LEADERS…AND EACH OTHER. Nearly 100 leaders come here each week for one reason and one reason only…you! Talk when it’s appropriate. If a leader asks you to do something (like move over, quiet down, or sit up), do it as if it were Jesus himself asking.
10. BATHROOM BREAKS…PLAN AHEAD. You can use the bathroom before or after Oasis or make a quick restroom stop between going in and out of the Auditorium for breakout groups. That’s it. Now if you are going to bust a gut, we will let you out one at a time.
We’re in this together friends. We’re apart of the same family, we’re apart of the same team. And when the team is on the same page, they’re virtually nothing you can’t accomplish.
I love that movie. It’s full of great lines, “You want him to take your spot, you go give it to him.” How much guts did it take for him to give up his spot…that’s huge…to realize he was the better man for the job. It’s full of passion for the team, the coach “he’s lining up off sides!”
Who won the Notre Dame game last weekend? Notre Dame did, but when it comes to football who do they typically attribute the win to, what player? Should it be that? Who helped Brady Quinn to look good on the field last week (or at least in the fourth quarter)? Coach, offensive line, defensive line, his mother. It took the entire team to succeed on the field.
It takes an entire team to succeed in life too. When it comes to life, Jesus is a given, it takes him to succeed in life…really…He’s the coach. If you don’t have Him, you will run around pursuing this, that and the other, money, power and fame, but you will never experience true love, joy, peace, eternal life. You’ll come up empty because we all have this spiritual hole inside of us that only He can truly fill.
However, a close second to Jesus, to succeed in life you have to be careful to choose the team you surround yourself with, who you line yourself up with, who’s in the inner circle – your huddle. You’ve got to be careful because often times you don’t choose your friends and I don’t choose my friends, but they choose me. Anybody have a clue what I mean by that? Let me illustrate.
I had this fascinating conversation with a guy a couple of weeks ago. I’m serious, for me, it was as if God spoke straight to my heart through this guy. He used to be deep, deep, deep into a homosexual lifestyle, drugs, alcohol, you name it…as a teenager. It occurred for a number of reasons, he was sexually and physically abused, he felt rejected and alone in his messed up dysfunctional family…all the classic reasons. He started over here in the middle – good friends, good influence over here (point to the right), but instead of walking that way, he turn toward others who felt just like him - rejected, confused, alone (point to the left). These guys over here (left), intentionally or not intentionally, pulled him into the drugs, alcohol and other stuff – pulled him right in. Why? Because they knew exactly what he needed – acceptance, a place to belong, a place where he felt like he fit in. Yes, he walked that way, but it was almost like there was a super magnetic draw that pulled him that way as well. It was as much as his friends chose him, as he chose his friends.
I’m telling you my friends, most of you in this room are the friends over here (point to the right). The right kind of friends, who will not only accept people, but will love them as well. However, you struggle with what I do sometimes, we don’t make ourselves known. We don’t pull people our way. Honestly, what this young man needed, was a stronger pull from these guys over here (point to right). As he walked this way (point to the left), he needed someone to step in between him and the group that would soon lead him further down the path of alcohol, drugs and whatnot.
Some of you might be thinking like, Judy, those people (point to left) need the right kind of friends, the right kind of love, the right kind of influence too and you’re exactly right. Jesus loves them just as much as he loves you. It’s true. They needed and still do need people to intercept on their behalf. And you just might be the one called to do that. However, this group over here (on the left) should never be your inner circle of friends. Why? Their feet aren’t headed in the same direction. You should surround yourself with people whose feet are headed in the same direction as yours. Because as surely as this guy got off on the wrong path, so can you if you’re not careful.
What do you think this verse means.
He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 13:20 (NIV)
Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.Proverbs 13:20 (Message)
A wise person is someone who knows the difference between right and wrong and chooses to do what’s right – even when it’s hard.
A fool is someone who knows the difference between right and wrong but chooses to do what is wrong.
So you have to link arms with people who are like-minded, want to love and honor God with their lives. This is the place to do just that, this is the place it’s happening. Check this out.
BRING THE GROUP UP. I pulled these guys up because when we put you in groups this week, they were all interconnected when it came to who they requested to be with. They’re linked. (Hold up 2 x 4 cards taped together).
Tell your name and your school. How did you meet each other? How have they helped you to stay on course?
GROUP 1 – ROCK SOLID – 5 Schools
Nikki - Schmucker
Becky – Discovery
Peyton – Schmucker
Valerie – Schmucker
Olivia – John Young
Skylar – John Young
Brianna – John Young
Kelsey – Jimtown
Megan – John Young
Felisha – John Young
Chelsea – John Young
GROUP 2 – 10 Schools
Neil – Home Schooled
Andrew – New Prairie
Cory – Elkhart Christian Academy
Grant – LaSalle Academy
Austin – LaSalle Academy
Brendon – LaSalle Academy
Dalton – Schmucker Middle School
Patrick – New Creation Academy
Josh – Home Schooled
Kennedy – Holy Cross
Wesley – John Young
Zeke – SB Junior Academy
Levi – Veritas Academy
Wesley – Home Schooled
We need to link up and do life with friends with their feet pointed in the same direction. The Bible is loaded with examples of friendship like this. One in particular, is David. We’re in a series on the weekend, you should come and hear more about him. In a nutshell…
David and Jonathan – Jonathan protected David from his own father.
David had these guys – known as his mighty men – who had his back. Crossed enemy lines to get him water.
David and Nathan – Nathan was a true friend who didn’t just accept David, but loved him enough to confront him when he messed up with a girl.
In a friendship where acceptance is the only glue holding people together, there will be little confrontation. No one will be willing to risk upsetting the other person. No one will say the things that need to be said. But true friends are more committed to their friend than to the friendship – more concerned about what’s best for their friend than about being accepted by that person. Andy Stanley
I have friends that do that for me –
Chris, Karen, Loretta, Wendy, Roxanne
Naomi, Jeanna, Jerica and Ruby
There would be a dozen or so connected to me. How about you? You might not be there yet, but you can be.
Do your friends encourage or hinder your walk with Christ?
Linked arms with the right people. Your friendship will help to determine the quality of your life. I have a friend who says, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.”
Close in prayer.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
The first three weeks of Oasis we do not go into breakout groups. Instead, we are having them fill out registration cards with the usual info on them, plus answer the question "If you could be in a breakout group with two friends who go to Oasis, who would they be?" Then we go into a lengthy process.
a. Enter the cards into our database.
b. Pull pertinent info from a report and print on a 2" x 4" cards...
CHURCH (we get a few)
INVITED BY (we ask this also)
c. Begin linking the cards together by friends they requested. We try to give them both of their friends, but only guarantee them one.
d. Once everyone is linked, we put the 6th and 6/7th groups on one table and the 7th, 7/8th, 8th on another table.
e. Then we begin arranging them by school and affinity (skaters, athletes, etc.). We try to make sure there are a core group of students in each group.
f. The last thing we do is put the "best fit leaders" with the group.
g. Last week there were about 35-45 kids in each of the 12 groups. Each of the 12 groups is assigned a name and location in the church. We put 5-8 leaders in each group and let them subdivide themselves once they get to their location when it comes to discussion time. That way, if one leader is gone, they can figure out how to redistribute and don't depend on me.
h. Each of the 12 breakout groups has a coach or two to help facilitate the group.
i. After the first week of breakout groups, we will tweak where we need to. If we did it right, like this year, it's not time consuming.
The students breakout group name is printed on their label when they check in. When we didn't have a check-in system, we printed labels just like you would for a mailing except it just had their name and breakout group on it. They would then just get their sticker as they came in.
The first 4 or 5 years I did this, I did it alone. That wasn't too bright. This year, six volunteers did the majority of the work. From beginning to end, my guestimate is that they put in about 80 hours total, I put in 20 and my amazing AA put in 40. We got the whole thing done over a five day period. Had I done it alone, it would have taken FOREVER!
Friday, October 06, 2006
We are currently bumping 500 in our middle school program. That means we have students sitting over a dozen rows back. Every year as we've grown, focus has become more and more of an issue. In my mind, that's totally understandable. Personally, I can't sit more than four or five rows back; otherwise, my eyes and focus start to drift even though the messages are absolutely amazing, new and fresh. So, I shouldn't be surprised, when it happens to students. (Note to parents: maximize the time and impact of church - sit your family as close to the front as possible).
So, what's the solution you might ask? Well, here is one that I think is going to work for us. We have limited building space. It's being used by many. Adding another day of youth ministry to the weekly schedule by subdividing the ministry further is just not an option at this moment. Therefore, we tried a new thing this past Wednesday. After worship, we sent half of the group out of the main auditorium into breakout groups, while I taught the half that stayed. Then, about half way through the evening we switched, those that heard the message went into breakout groups and the other half came in for the message. It went shockingly smooth the first night. We still have a timing and transition issue to get master, but I think this is going to seriously work for us. Nearly three dozen of our leaders have reported back that they absolutely loved it. Can you tell I'm excited about the whole thing?
The other thing I'm excited about is the breakout groups (aka Eagle's Nests). We worked really, really, really, really hard getting them just right, hooking the right students to the right leaders. Never before in the history of Oasis did I hear so many leaders afterwards say, "Judy, I love my Eagle's Nests." That's the power of team. I had numerous leaders do the preliminary work so that I could pour over the final connection stage. I think if I had done all the initial linking of students with friends, I would have been just about ready to puke when it came time to for the final connection stage. Actually, I've been to that point in previous years. By the time I reached the final stage, I wasn't as careful making the connections as I was this time around. It was quite the process putting 700 students in breakout groups. To hear the words I heard the other night, it was worth every second. Don't get me wrong, we still have some tweaking to do. One group in particular had too many guys and one had two few. We'll adjust a few things this week and keep tweaking as we go.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
1. APPROPRIATE PHYSICAL CONTACT. No hand holding, kissing or stuff like that. We'll leave that stuff for the married people to do...at home.
2. STAY ON CAMPUS. Once you are dropped off here, here is where you'll stay.
3. RESOLVE CONFLICT THE RIGHT WAY. No fist fights or anything like it.
4. ENCOURAGE, ENCOURAGE, ENCOURAGE. NO CUT DOWNS OR INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE. We want Oasis to be different than a lot of other places in the world. We want it to be a safe place, a place of encouragement, a place of hope.
5. GUARD THE EYES OF THE GUYS (AND GIRLS). Wear appropriate clothing. If we see a girl or guy that has inappropriate clothing, we have t-shirts they can wear. We won’t embarrass you in front of your friends, but will pull you aside and help you out.
8. CHAIRS FOR EVERYONE. Everyone has their own to sit in.
9. R-E-S-P-E-C-T YOUR LEADERS…AND EACH OTHER. Talk when it’s appropriate. If a leader asks you to do something (like move over, quiet down, or sit up), do it as if it were Jesus himself asking.
10. BATHROOM BREAKS…PLAN AHEAD. You can use the bathroom before or after Oasis or make a quick restroom stop between going in and out of the Auditorium for breakout groups. That’s it. Now if you are going to bust a gut, we will let you out one at a time.