Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Seven Steps to Jeanne Mayo

Just got done jotting a few encouragement notes to a couple of worshop attendees last month. As Disney would say, it's a small world after all. Jeremy from Iowa is seeing Jeanne Mayo this month (his wife was in her Master's Commission at Rockford). Patrick from Wisconsin knows Jon Brown who is in Jeanne Mayo's Cadre with me. Last month at Saddleback, I met a guy who looked incredibly familiar but couldn't place him becasue he was in the wrong state. Turns out Jeffery from Georgia is part of the Gathering and part of the Cadre as well. Very cool.

1 comment:

Just Me typing away said...

hey sup? I saw you yesterday. he can you tell me what you think of this it's on my blogspot so check it out...please?


When did health turn into pain?
When did love turn into hate?
When did peace trun into choas?
When did friends turn into enemies?
When did summer turn into winter?
When did hot turn into cold?
When did red turn into blue?
What are we to do?
When the utter humilation turns friends against another.
When the lies and the lieing faces follow another.
Why has life been made out to beat another?
Turning sister against sister, and brother against brother.
Life is too short to spend in unwisely, so make the most of it.
Quit the drama! And have fun.
Quit the cover-up! And be yourself.
Quit the lieing! And tell them straight.
Quit the yelling! And calm down.
Quit the talking! And just listen.
Quit the mean! And be friendly to others.
Quit the back-stabbing! And get over it.
Quit the turning! And see it through there eyes...

Help out by doing 4 simple things:
A broken heart.
Mend it!
Don't break it again.
Be a Friend.