Monday, October 16, 2006

Discussion Guide, Cue Sheet and Message from 10-11-06

Oasis – Eagle’s Nest Discussion Guide
GameDay – Go Practice - 10.11.06

Sub-Divide Your Eagle’s Nest into Smaller Groups and Take Attendance

5 minutes

Sub-divide into as many small groups as your leadership base can handle. Chris will be coming around to check on you. If you need an additional leader, we’ll figure out how to get you one.

Have each student fill out a small card with their FIRST and LAST name on it. Check the cards as you collect them, our students have a sense of humor sometimes. If someone is new, ask them if they filled out a big card at the registration table (if not, give them one of the big cards in your box).

Discussion Questions
20 minutes

1. Have your group lean in, pick a scribe. Turn to SIDE ONE of your GREEN CARD (card is in Eagle’s Nest box). Brainstorm as many different areas people need to serve in for the weekend service and Oasis to be successful. As a student gives you an idea (have them shout them out or go around the circle; however, if you go around the circle, quickly help out anyone who gets stuck), have the team figure out which category it best falls into based on the four outlined. There are a few examples on your green card, below are a few more.

Center Stage (teacher, drama, band, small group leader, video producer, etc.)
First Impressions (as you walk in the door stuff – café, check-in, bookstore, greeter, etc.)
Tech Team (lights, sound, media, etc.)
Support Staff (grounds upkeep, cleaning, set-up, take-down, mailings, etc.)

There are other areas as well (ex. financial contributor, architect, construction worker), these are just four of many.

2. Flip over to the SIDE TWO of your GREEN CARD and brainstorm how we can serve various people in our community to make it a better place.
Poor, homeless, jobless, etc.
Miscellaneous people

3. After you’re done brainstorming, pass the GREEN CARD around the circle and ask each person, “If you had to pick one or two things, what makes your heart beat fast, what do you think you’d like to do the most?”

4. Very briefly…
a. Talk about ways to get involved – 2nd Saturday, Son City, MC3, Weekend Service, Oasis, Mission Trips, Etc. Some of what we are called to do we will love and is exactly what God wired us for, other stuff we need to do just because it needs to get done (like picking up trash).
b. Talk about taking initiative. Don’t expect people to come and knock on your door, go and knock on theirs. Talk with your parents, if it’s ok by them, talk with whoever is in charge of the ministry.
c. Talk about responsibility. It’s ok if you find out that something isn’t a fit for you. For example, maybe you quickly realize babies and poopy diapers aren’t your thing. If it’s not a good fit, DON’T just stop showing up, make the phone call or send an email to the ministry leader.
Otherwise, show up when you’re supposed to show up, call or email when you can’t make it. People are counting on you. You can do itJ

Close in prayer and hand out 2nd Saturday and Guy’s Retreat postcard
5 Minutes

Oasis – Cue Sheet
GameDay – Go Practice - 10.11.06

6:25 Walk-In Video: NFL Greatest Moments, end with GameDay graphic up

6:30 Welcome, Series Intro and Game (students get name tags if they didn’t check in) – John
GameDay Series Slide Up for Welcome and Intro, then
Johnny’s Game PowerPoint Slide(s) Up for Game
At end, Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #1 – Relentless, Engage, WS, EO, SC, 180

6:45 Judy’s Message – Red
Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #1
Total Recall Slides Up for Total Recall
GameDay Series Slide Up for Message (before and after video clip)
Brian’s Song Video Clip of Knee Injury (Judy will call for it)
Scripture PowerPoint (Judy will call for it)
Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #2 – Crossfire, RS, TF, Elevate, Testify, HV

Eagle’s Nest- Blue

7:20 Transition Time
Outgoing students out the Auditorium by Wal-Mart Doors (except Crossfire and Rock Solid go out Café Doors)

All incoming students in the Auditorium by Atrium Doors

7:25 Eagle’s Nest - Red

Judy’s Message - Blue
Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #2
Total Recall Slides Up for Total Recall
GameDay Series Slide Up for Message (before and after video clip)
Brian’s Song Video Clip of Knee Injury (Judy will call for it)
Scripture PowerPoint (Judy will call for it)

8:00 Transition Time – Eagle’s Nest Students In, Announcements and Giveaways
Guy’s Retreat, Skateboarding, 2nd Saturday, Ministry Sign Ups

8:10 Wrap-Up with Glue Boys Video – Judy

8:15 Worship

Relentless Atrium Skylight (Crossfire)
Engage Atrium Stage (Rock Solid)
Wildside Great Room (The Force)
Eagle One Penguin Room (Elevate)
Soul Candy In Front of the Wal-Mart Doors by New Entrance (Testify)
180 Bottom of Stairs by Wal-Mart Doors by New Entrance (High Voltage)

Oasis – Message
GameDay – Go Practice - 10.11.06

Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #1

Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #1

Total Recall Slides Up for Total Recall

GameDay Series Slide Up for Message (Video and Scripture PP when called for)

Recap / drive last weeks message home again

Any football fans in here? I love football! I love to watch it, I love to play it, I love movies about it! I’ve seen Remember the Titans, Invincible, Friday Night Lights, you name it. I know it’s odd because I’m a girl, but I dig football.

My Greatest Play. I played girls flag football in college where they had the weirdest rules…anyone could catch the ball. Is that crazy or what? So, here I am, on the offensive line, I’m playing center, we’re down to the final seconds of the game and no one has scored. They tell me to cut between the defensive line and turn around in the end zone. We’re about 15 yards out. We run the play, I dodge left then right, turn around, defenders all around me, I never expected the play to work in a million years, but here’s the ball coming straight at me. The next five seconds were a total blur; all I know is that I came down with the ball. It was the only touchdown we ever scored.

I think I love football in part because I love to do life as a team, as a family. I’ve got a team of friends around me who celebrate with me when it is an end zone kind of day, they pick me up when I feel thrown to the ground or cast aside, they cover me when I’m tired, off balanced or have people coming at me from all sides. If I need someone, whenever or wherever, they’re there. If they need me, I’m there. I’ve been careful who I linked arms with, who I’ve allowed in my huddle, my inner circle.

A Favorite Football Movie. One of the first football movies I ever saw was a movie entitled Brian’s Song. It’s a tear jerker about two football players, one black – Gayle Sayers – and one white – Brian Piccolo. They began as teammates, then became roommates (which was unheard of back then) and quickly became best friends. They saw each other through thick and thin – the good, the bad, the ugly…and it got ugly, Gayle blew out his knee and ultimately Brian losses his battle with cancer.

I want you to see a clip from this movie, so tonight we’re goin’ old skool. Let’s take a peek at the scene where Gayle messes up his knee and Brian’s there to greet him when he gets home. Check this out.

Brian’s Song Video Clip of Knee Injury

Gayle linked arms with the right person when he picked Brian to be his best friend or when Brian picked him. I’m not sure if he chose Brian or Brian chose him, I just know it was a good choice.

After Gayle got hurt, Brian was there before he even walked in the door. The leg lift machine was already set up. I love the speech, there was no way he was going to let his friend lay down and die, there was no way he was going to let him give up or give in.

“I’m number two all over again. Well, ol’ buddy, I’m number one guy now for all the wrong reasons. Unless you come back 100%, people are going to say Piccolo got in on a pass, a lucky break. See I don’t want it like that. I’m going to whip you Sayers, but you got to be at your best or it won’t mean a thing. You’re not going to be one second slower, not one degree weaker. I’m going to work your tail off to get that leg back in shape…for my sake. You got that.”

Brain calls Dr. Fox and asks, “How he’s he doing? Pretty well, I think. It’s pretty boring going through all the exercises. A lot of people just give up when their alone in that situation.”

He didn’t give up because he wasn’t alone! Brian was on his team, he had his back.

The Bible says in Proverbs 27:17,

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 (NIV)

You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 (Message)

If you surround yourself with the right people, they will make you better. Brian not only helped Gayle get back on his feet, but in the process they made each other better. Brian went from playing second string to Gayle, to being in the starting line up with him. They were the dynamic duo. Who sharpens you like that when it comes to your relationship with Christ? Who do you sharpen? (Pause for a moment)

Once again, you want people who have their feet pointed in the same direction as you - toward Christ. People who have the same desires, goals, hunger to win. For Brady Quinn, it’s talented football players. For you and me, it should be those who want to find out more about and grow closer to Jesus. Those who don’t want an average life. They want God to put his extra on their ordinary. His super on their natural. Those who want to go wide – bring as many people along on the ride as possible. Those who want to go deep – really know Jesus, what makes His heart beat fast, what puts a smile on his face. People who want to win, not just in football but in life.

Let’s move out of the huddle
How do we sharpen each other? There are many ways. But tonight we are going to talk about just one, you sharpen each other by practicing together “BEING” the church. In order to do that, it takes a lot more people than just those in your huddle, your inner circle. Your huddle or inner circle is good as long as you don’t just exist there and there alone; otherwise it becomes a holy huddle (the dark side of doing life with a close knit group) and you’re not good for much. My world can’t just be my four and no more. I can’t just skate with my eight or stay in the pen with my ten (ok, that was corny). At some point we’ve got to break and turn outward and begin to practice what we know, we need to live out the playbook.

Let me illustrate it this way (talk about the part that I didn't get to last week). Who won the Notre Dame game last weekend? Notre Dame did, but when it comes to football who do they typically attribute the win to, what player? Should it be that? Who helped Brady Quinn to look good on the field? If Brady didn’t have those in his huddle or if that huddle would have never broke, they’d of never won. In church, if it’s successful, who do they attribute the win to? The pastor. Should it be that way? The quarterback and pastor give direction, yes and it’s absolutely necessary - pivotal, but it takes the team to succeed, to pull off the win.

WHITE BOARD – Divide into four sections, as students shout out roles/positions, put them into the best fit column (Center Stage, First Impressions, Tech Team, Support Staff)


Center Stage – players, coaches, referees, fans

First Impressions – ticket takers, concession people, merchandise salespeople, waterboy

Tech Team – Camera team, sound guys, media team, research analysis, lighting dude

Support Staff – Someone needs to coordinate clean-up, put TP in the restroom, grounds keeper, facilities manager, someone put the game books together, pay the bills, process the payroll.

Where are these positions played out in the church? Talk about four areas (ex. players are like the band and teaching pastor, concessions and merchandise people are like the café and bookstore workers, tech is like tech (someone has the camera on me, the sound going out and the video about ready to play right now), our facility, housekeeping and administrative people have similar roles as well - they cut the grass, put TP in the restroom and pay the bills).

They’re virtually identical and are all important. What role or position will you take? Because there is a role and position for you to play. You have a role, you have a position, step into it. We cannot be who we are called to be without you. We’re something less than 100%.

Why was Notre Dame able to succeed, to accomplish their goal? Because they showed up, everyone played their part and they practiced the playbook.

The church will succeed, we will accomplish what God has called us to if we show up, play our part and practice the playbook – the Bible. Not just know it, live it!

Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works. Faith without works is dead.
James 2:26

Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #2
Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #2

WRAP UP (When all students are back in the Auditorium)

We can’t play your best game if not everyone is playing.

You know who Jesus can’t use?
The only one Jesus couldn’t work with – the only He couldn’t put his super on their natural, His extra in their ordinary – is the one who refused to get up off the bench and the one who insisted on remaining in their holy huddle.

No Excuses:
Moses (I studder)
David (I’m small)
Matthew (I’m a tax collector)
Luke (I’m a doctor)
Peter (I’m just an unschooled fisherman).

Jesus knows it’s kind of scary to step into the game and up to the line. When he sent his disciples out, he sent them in teams of two. Don’t do life alone, do it together, link arms with someone as you step onto the field and up to the line.

Going Global:
I just want to close tonight by going global…going outside the four walls of the church. You talked about it a little bit tonight in your Eagle’s Nests when you talk about what we can do in our community to make it a better place… but it goes beyond that, to the ends of the earth. There was a day when we probably couldn’t be held responsible because we just didn’t know what was going on half way across the world. But not today. There are people doing what God wired them to do, capturing footage and creating videos of things like the Tsunami in India and the HIV/AIDS epidemic or pandemic in Africa.

Let me show you a piece of one young man’s video.

Glue Boys Video

Is there not a cause to get up off the bench, to move beyond our holy huddle? There are little boys and girls with hunger in their belly, who are cold at night, and find their hope in a bottle of glue. It’s the only way to subdue the pain. As Dr. Fox said, “A lot of people just give up when their alone in that situation.” No one is called to be alone. We’re called to BE the church.

Some of you are or will be called to go to the ends of the earth, to India and Africa, no doubt. You don’t have to fear it, if it is God’s will it will become the desire of your heart. But, more than likely, you’re not heading there tomorrow. God’s called you to take your first step that way, by being faithful right where you’re planted. Begin by BEING the church, here and now.

What I want them to know: There is a position for them to play within and outside the four walls of the church.

What I want them to do: (1) Reflect on how God has wired them. (2) Join us for Second Saturday over the weekend (outside our walls). (3) Sign up to serve somewhere in the church (within our walls).


Just Me typing away said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I see none...? what is wrong with the invisable pictures? haha I gots to go to school talk to you later!


Anonymous said...

i read it but i dont see it

Judy Gregory said...

I know. I tried uploading the pics twice and it crashed my computer both times. I changed this post to last weeks message.