Saturday, January 03, 2009

Welcome home, we missed you

Those were the words of a about a dozen people yesterday. The transition over the last year and a half has been interesting. For the first year of living in the ATL, Indiana still felt like home. The last six months, neither felt like home. Now, Atlanta truly feels like home. The #1 question people ask me when I come back to Indiana is, “do you like living in Atlanta?” The answer is that “I do.” Here’s why…

1. I love who I get to work with and for. My boss is amazing … a leader, visionary, coach, mentor and friend. We/I throw the “friend” word out pretty easily, but she truly is one. You should do life and work with people you love and who love you. If you are going to do this thing 50-70 hours a week, it matters.

2. I love MC Atlanta…seeing and working with 80+ God seeking, Jesus lovin’, hope filled, funny and fun 18-22 year olds is a hoot. We’ve mastered what it is to live in a “family environment.” I so believe in this program that has a foundational year of character and integrity building before its second year of leadership development. I’ve come to believe leadership without character is incredibly dangerous. I think in the church world we’ve lost sight of that a little. We build leaders and hope they catch character along the way. It’s a risky business.

3. I love diversity. As I mentioned, I go to a church that is comprised of 50 different nationalities that are predominately black in skin tone. I would love to say it didn’t affect me when I first moved down here, but honestly it kind of freaked me out. However, I went from immediately noticing that I was often times the only white person in a room, to seeing past skin tone. People are people, color really is just skin tone. I need to sit down and figure out how to put the transformation within me into better words.

4. I love to be stretched when it comes to leadership. I have my hand in a number of things right now. It breaks all the “less is more”, “laser focus is better” and “do only what you do best and hand off the rest” leadership principles I’ve learned along the way. However, that’s not an option right now and I’m great with it for this season. Plus, in my ear from the get go, I feel like God has been whispering “as you step into your future, this stuff will be important.” I’m not sure why, but am embracing the opportunities.

5. Words cannot express how much I learned at Granger from watching Mark, Rob, Dr. Bob, Ed, Mel, Georgia, Dave and a whole bunch of others too numerous to mention. I learn best by watching, not reading. So, all that stuff I absorbed by people watching is needed here. If you ever wonder “why they do what they do,” just go somewhere not doing it and you’ll be quick to know “the why behind the what.” Between that and the fact there is plenty of new stuff to learn here, it keeps my mind busy processing. We’re more denominationally tied here, which I love and hate with about the same amount of passion.

6. I’m a big fan of three seasons – spring, summer and fall. The average in July is only 5 degrees warmer here than in Indiana, but the average in January is 20 degrees warmer here than in Indiana. So, the summers aren’t much hotter, but the winters are much warmer. For someone who hates to be cold, that and the fact that the sun shines a lot more here is good for my soul. At 7 p.m. tonight it was 60 degrees. Last week in Indiana, for the life of me I couldn’t get warm. And when I was out at 7 p.m., my words were “why does it feel like I’m sitting in the middle of a freezer?”

So, life in the ATL is good for me. The second question I get asked when I’m in Indiana is “when are you coming back to Indiana, we miss you…we need you?” Probably not anytime soon, I am home.


DC Curry said...

GREAT POST JUDY!!! You're awesome!

I love hearing about what's going on with you. You're in my prayers as you push back the darkness with ALL your gifts! You're one talented, multi-tasking, soldier for the Kingdom girly!

Phil said...

YES to what DC said. Even tho we all miss you, it is obvious you are where God wants you to be for this season.
Just know that you have many in Michiana who love you, pray for you, and have your back.
Thanks for listening and for your words of encouragement and support while you were up here.

Bridget said...

We love you, Judy. You will always have a second home here.