Saturday, December 10, 2005

G.L. and Q

I can't tell you how great it was to see Garrett and Quincey down in Atlanta this week! I knew I missed these guys a ton, but being down there reminded me why. First of all, they are just plain great guys. Second, they make me laugh a lot... a lot, a lot! After checking out some of the hilarious new videos Garrett has made, we all went out to dinner with their mom and step-dad to this incredible Italian restaurant their family owns. Great eats with great friends. It was an off-the-chart beginning to a couple of incredible days with one of my youth pastor hero's, Jeanne Mayo.


Lindsay Mak said...

I miss Garrett too! Come back to us!

Wow, Garrett looks just like their dad and Quincey looks just like their mom. Weird...

Anonymous said...

i saw garret at oasis the other week. it was sweet.