Thursday, December 22, 2005


I am always so grateful for our Oasis leaders. I continually stand in awe at how much they bless God, bless me and bless our students with their leadership and time. In a society that pretty much screams "it's all about me", they realize "it's most definitely not about me, it's all about Him". Each and every week, without fail, they breathe life, love and Jesus into our students. I wouldn't want to do Oasis without them. Along with Jesus, they alone are why Oasis is successful. It's not the flashy lights or great giveaways or awesome medias (although they're cool), it's them. They, along with Jesus of course, are the change agents in our students lives. I love them! I mean it when I say they're my heroes.

So tonight, when they gave Johnny, Chris and I each a cake and a gift card to the mall, they pretty much blew us away. Johnny said it best after Oasis when all three of us were upstairs having a late night talk, his word..."WOW!"


Anonymous said...

We love you guys. Oasis wouldn't be the same without you either. Oasis was great last night. My students just loved that game and they really "got it" last night.

Corey Mann said...

Oh yeah, well I got a toilet seat.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Judy!!!
~Ambre Beckett