Monday, February 13, 2006

In your anger do not sin...

"In your anger do not sin..."
Ephesians 4:26

Sometimes I wonder whether I'm preaching to middle school students or myself. I've been talking about anger at Oasis. How it's your natural sinful tendancy to push/hit back, when someone pushes/hits you...and how it's no different when it comes to words. When someone verbally lashes out at you or someone you care about, you want to verbally lash back. I had one of those opportunities last week. One of those instances where I wanted to say "game on". But then, I remembered what I tried to speak into students just two days prior, so I didn't. It was hard, but I know I chose rightly. I know that no one ever wins in those situations. I'm still a little ticked, but I know it'll pass. In light of eternity and the Kingdom work that needs to be done, it's ridiculous to waste any time or energy on.

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