Friday, June 08, 2007

Oasis Wednesday Night

Wednesday night was nothing other than a miracle only God could have provided. The weather was absolutely perfect for inflatable city. The band did really well, Corey's Clash of the Champion video rocked, Dave's year-end video was amazing and bounced around with scores of middle school faces, Johnny had them leaping, my Leaps of Faith message engaged them and, of course, the giveaways were cool. Having Mark and Rob there made it all the more special.
It was a total team effort. The coolest thing was seeing our leaders lead. They are truly my heroes. Faithful is the number one word I'd use to describe them. So many of them have been with me for over five years, some nearly ten. It's truly remarkable. I've been blessed beyond measure. When the numbers came in, the first thought was that of gratitude for the scores of friends who spent their Friday afternoon with me putting labels on Jeff's postcards so that just one more might hear. Well, 300 more than expected show up. What a way to go out! In all my years, I will never forget it!

Jesus, thank you!

1 comment:

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I'm still amazed at how well things went and how you held the attention of that many jr. highers. Go Jesus!

Hopefully we get to hang out next week. I have some thing for you!