Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Post #3 - Mexico - Warning: Great Day Ahead

Today we will spend on campus working on housing for the Hope Program. The Hope Program is for students from the Children's Homes once they are in 10th grade. Basically in Mexico, free education ends after ninth grade. Only one in ten ever graduate from high school. So, some of older students from the children's homes are invited to come and be a part of the Hope Program after 9th grade, where they will be able to continue their education and have it paid for while living with house parents. For some, this is their first experience ever living in a family environment, and for others this is the first time they have ever lived in a "healthy" family environment for sure.

I was talking to Juan yesterday and he and his wife are the house parents for eight boys. A couple of them are studying computers, graphics design and culinary arts. The Coopers have another group of boys (along with six of their own kids), Garcia's have girls and Couch's boys ... there are a few other house parents, but I haven't met them yet.

I love the vision for Back2Back. They not only share the love of Jesus, but do AMAZING things to impact the generations to come by breaking the cycle of poverty and lack of education.

Enough said, I'm off to pour cement. Later today we will have the 70 kids from the Casa Hogar Douglas over for a pool party and cook out.

1 comment:

Corey Mann said...
