Saturday, January 03, 2009

Rachel Leazenby

Did you ever write a post that was about five times longer than you expected, breaking all "posting" rules, but just don't care and are going to post it anyway?...well here is one for you.

Rachel Leazenby

It was a wonderful holiday in some ways, horrible in others. On Christmas Eve, one of the leaders who served alongside of me in Oasis died in a car accident. Rachel always had a smile on her face – she was full of life, laughter, adventure and vision. Her smile was contagious. As I got to know the family over the years, I think it was one of four things that are a pre-requisite for all their family. Rachel’s life is marked by a family that…
(1) smiles
(2) loves Jesus
(3) uses their God given talents for the Cause, the King and the Kingdom, and
(4) leans in

As I sat through the funeral, I thought of the affect their family has had on my life and ministry over the years.

Before meeting Rachel, I met her brother-in-law, Jeff Banicki, when he first came to play drums for us at Oasis. I was glad he had mega skill because just watching him play was a site to behold. I love watching people who can play (sing) and smile at the same time. Like Rachel, Jeff had that same contagious smile as he’d “lean in” to the drum kit while he played. His face helped to lite up the stage and it kept beaming when he stepped off of it as well.

I then met Rachel’s sister, Leah Banicki. Leah would come and sing solos for us at Oasis. Her voice is indescribably AMAZING…seriously. I remember time and time again giving God thanks for her ministry, especially to our girls. I loved that they were able to watch her “lean in” to the microphone, smiling as she sang, using her talent for God’s glory. She inspired us with her music and her life. In fact, I’m sure there are many high school girls singing into school choir microphones because of her.

I then met Rachel and Leah’s mom and dad, Gene and Mary Ort, at Camp Adventure. They would come and set up camp with their trailer so that we could have the most superb sound ever to be heard at camp. Gene’s talented beyond measure when it comes to many things, especially sound. He could have been making a lot of money somewhere that week I’m sure, but instead he gave it up to run sound for a bunch of middle school students free of charge. Often I’d look over and see Gene smiling as he would “lean in” to the board to twist a knob, push a button or raise a slider, as nearly 200 middle school students and leaders were jumping all over the place during worship. The fact that Mary would come to our “rustic” camp was beautiful. I know many of wives who would have simply kissed their husbands on his way out the door and said “see ya next week.” She didn’t “have to” spend a week fighting off dear flies and showering in rusty/iron/sulfur water, she “chose to” in order to “lean in” to her husband with love and support.

Then, Rachel came on the scene. As I would walk around checking on small groups, Rachel could always be found sitting with a smile on her face as she would “lean in” to her circle of girls in order to listen well. It, among other things, made her a great leader. Her imprint will remain on the lives she touched forever … and, if you haven’t heard, forever is a really long time.

You’d think it would end there, but it doesn’t … Along comes Rachel’s husband, Jon. Jon was one of the coaches for our annual flag football tournament. Jon was a great coach. He’d huddle up his players tight, arms stretched across each others back, and all would “lean in” to hear his voice of wisdom and encouragement. Rachel would be right in there next to him. Their passion for the sport and, more importantly, our kids ran deep.

Like I said, it’s a family thing. For some reason, while sitting through the beautiful service that celebrated her life, I was in my own little world celebrating and giving God thanks for their family. All throughout, those two simple words, “lean in”, kept washing over my mind like the ocean’s tide. They all do it so well. While Rachel went on ahead of them to warm up their section of the dance floor with Jesus, they will continue to mark people on their journey with their love for Jesus, smiles and use of their talents for Kingdom purposes. This week I continue to give thanks and pray for the Ort-Leasenby-Banicki family. May you “Lean in” to Jesus my friends, now more than ever.


Bridget said...

I was shocked when I heard that she died. I just couldn't believe it. The whole family brought so much to Oasis.

John Slaughter said...

Psst... Jon, (not John)

-Another John.