Friday, January 16, 2009


It's midnight and it's only 20 degrees here. I'm thinking I shouldn't have left my winter coat in Indiana. That's what I get for braggin' how much warmer it is here.


Bridget said...

It's probably still warmer there. We have a high of 4 today with the wind chill it's -20.

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

20 degrees...that is a heat wave for us!

Karen McFarland said...

Wow 20 it's like 40 Below with the wind chill here...Miss you!

Rhonda Redman said...

Karma, my friend, Karma. ;o) I keep trying to tell ya that. LOL. Still love ya and miss ya. You should be happy to know that it was -19, without the wind chill, yesterday so you still got it goin' on down there. I'll take 20 degrees over that any time.

Just found out recently that Denise has an uncle that used to be a member of The Drifters and they're living in Atlanta. "Still is a Drifter" according to Aunt Barbara. We might just make it down that way one day.