Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Ravi Zacharias

Great video post by Ravi Zacharias here. It's got my brain on overload. Here is part of what I attempted to transcribe.

"The emergent church, at it’s core, lets the consumer be the definer of what is relevant and what is appropriate.

There is a point you have to be relevant. But it is Truth that makes relevance, relevant. Without Truth, relevance is irrelevant. So really you cannot strip anything of the Truth. They are focusing more on form than substance. So propositional truth is minimized, felt truth is maximized. How did this come about? Sometimes church preaching and communication got so out of touch with the listener, we hurt those who were already hurting, feed the pride of those already proud…and were just not meeting the needs of the people where they were. So there was a problem, but what they’ve done is sacrificed content in the process.

Jesus always questioned his questioners, to open them within their own assumptions and then determined the entry point of the discussion…but got them to the truth to where He wanted them to be. “Why do you call me good? There is nothing good but God? Are you calling me God? If you are calling me God, are you going to listen to Me?”

“Is it alright to play taxes to Caesar?” Jesus says, “You got a coin? Whose image is on this?” “Caesars.” Jesus, “Give to Caesar that which is Caesar, unto God which is God.” At this point, the questioner ought to have said, “What belongs to God?” Jesus would have said, “Whose image is on you?”

Jesus took people from where they were to bring them to where He is.

The emergent church is not that new. Some of it started in the Garden of Eden when the enemy of our soul said, “Has God really said…did God really say this?” Causing doubt on the propositional revelation of God. So, I think the Emergent church is flirting with a lot of danger. It is flirting with the obliteration of the revealed Word and making a felt reality, ultimate reality. My experience is not what is ultimately real. God’s Word is eternally true and I have to alter my way of thinking to conform to God’s Word, not the other way around.”

1 comment:

Bubba said...

I really enjoyed this video and post... Thanks Judy! Ravi always pumps me up!