Monday, January 09, 2006

Walk With Me - The New Question of the Day

Ok, I really think I'm a little (or as Natalie would probably say... a lot) on the ADD side. My mind zips in a 1,000 different directions...all the time. In the last hour, I've work on two different flyers, read the intro to a parenting book, glanced at two DVD's, sent three emails, surfed the internet, listened to Tim and Tony's podcast and am now thinking about my blog and lack of "Hero of the Day" questions lately.

While I love biblical hero's, we've already hit on a lot of them when it comes to "Hero Question of the Day" the point that I'm having to put a lot of effort into finding them and a cool scripture with their name in it. So, now I'm going to do a little change up that will be easier for me. If you're interested, you're invited to join me on a journey with some of my friends. Each week I meet with my inner circle of friends to go over stuff we've read in the Bible. After going down numerous rabbit trails, we usually cover around a dozen chapters. So, I'm going to give you my best of the best highlights in each chapter, along with the opportunity for a fill in or two, when it comes to stuff I'm learning. In honor of one of my favorite sayings on Wednesday night before Oasis, the new question of the day is entitled "Walk With Me". As Mr. Rogers (or some other dude) would say "Join me, won't you?"

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