Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Last Wednesday Night - A Night to Remember

Last Wednesday I'll remember for a really long time. It was a great night at the Cross. Here are some of the words students wrote to Jesus.

Jesus, I give you all I am – my sins, my scars, my life.
I believe in you. Take away my sins.
I believe in you Jesus. You are my Savior.
I give you my life.
I need you. Help me figure out my next step.
Thanks you Jesus for holding me in your love.
Jesus, I give you my life. I love you.
Take all of my sins away and give me a clean slate. I am sorry.
My next step is to bring friends to church and Oasis.
My next step is to stay pure and follow your path.
I need you in my life Jesus. Forgive me for my sins.
You’re my savior Jesus. You made me and you bought me.
My next step is to volunteer in some way for Jesus.
My next step is to lead or be in a Bible study.
I give you my fear.
I want you in my life.
I give you my desires and wants.
Jesus, I’m sorry for when I was not listening to you Lord. I love you Jesus.
Lord, I give you my relationships.
Help me with my attitude.
I give you my life, everything – my friends, family and soul.
Jesus, I give you my heart.
I’m ready to serve you Jesus.
Lord, help me to know what I’m supposed to do next in my life.
I want to grow more in you. Forgive me for all the stupid mistakes I’ve made.
I want to trust you and put you above all my relationships.
Jesus, you lead me.
Jesus, you are my leader.
Jesus, please help me to keep following you and to serve you more.
Jesus, I want you to be my savior. I know I’m messed up and I want your help.
I believe in you Jesus. My next step is to invest in someone.
I love you Jesus.
I give you my life and my sin and my love.
I believe in you Jesus! The mission trip is my next step.
I need you. I give you my social life and my fears too.
Thank you Jesus for being my Lord.
God I need help to get along with my peers and family members.
You know what my problems are Lord, help me with them.
Please be the center of my life Jesus. I’ve already accepted you, but I want to make my next tep toward you Jesus.
Lord, I believe in you and give you my regrets.
Jesus Rocks!
I’m going to declare my BattleCry! I believe in you, Jesus.
I give you my doubt, fear and profanity.
My next step is to invest and invite.
My next step is to tell everyone about how much I love you.
Jesus, I give you my myspace and bad music.
I believe in you Jesus. Help me focus on you!
I give you my impure thoughts.
I think I need to serve you more and not devote so much time to my social life.
Pray for me getting in trouble at school.
I give you my boyfriend who is not a Christian.
My next step is to help other people get closer to you.
I give you porn.
I give you my actions.
My next step is to invite more people and to tell them about you.
Help me to get over some anger problems and control what I say.
Jesus, help me to obey you more, because I love you and I don’t want to fall away from you.
I need to obey my parents the first time they tell me to.
I think I need to take time to talk to you more instead of just praying for help!
I give you my suicidal thoughts.
I believe in you Jesus! My first step is to treat people better and to change my language.
I want you to be first in my life.
I need to get rid of all of my bad CD’s.
I give you my schedule.
Jesus, I’m laying down my sin.
Jesus, I want you to guide me in what direction you want me to go.
I want you to govern my life!
My next step is to get baptized.
Lord, I give you my ENTIRE life. I want to fight for you and stop the corruption in this world!
I believe in you. Help me with my language, my music, and my friends.
I give you the things that are consuming my time.
Jesus, I give you my computer.
My next step God is to lean in and take responsibility and learn about you.
Lord, I give you my life! I screwed it up. I want to serve and love you.
I will stop calling people names and start sharing your love.
I believe in you Jesus. I need more of you in my life.
I give you the hurt that came to me when someone else sinned.
I lay selfishness at the cross
I believe in you Jesus. I want you to be with me my whole life.
I have been thinking of guys and friends more than you. I am sorry.
I need to throw my make-up away. I need to be myself.
I believe in you God, but sin is pulling me back. So God, please help me break away and go with you.
I’m going to ask someone to come to church and not take no for an answer. I need to make better decisions. I’m going to become better than now.
I want my next step to be towards doing children’s ministry.
Jesus, I give you my struggle with never being satisfied.
My next step: Invite over 5 people to Oasis.
I have accepted you, but I am very sinful. I walk with you, but I’m falling off course. Take that sin off my heart and help me focus on you, oh God.
I believe in you Jesus and love you with all I have! I trust you with my life. I’ll serve you in any way, whatever you say. I’m sorry Lord for all that I’ve done. Luv ya!
Thank you Jesus. Anything that separates me from you I lay down.
Lord, help me with my life cause I hate it.
Dear Lord, I want you to become the Lord in my life. I need help because I’m being held back by my attitude. Please help me.
Jesus, I lay my heart down to you! I want you to be my Lord not just my Savior. My next step in Christ is reading the Bible, inviting my friends to church, and coming closer to you rather than my friends. I think it’s time for you to help me wash away my sins.
Jesus I believe in you, but I need to obey you more.
Jesus, I surrender all my worries, doubts, questions, uncertainties and fears. I want to trust and obey you. You already paid for it all. I don’t want to take it back.
Dozens of cards, with the simple phrase…
I believe in you Jesus.

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