Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Knight in Shining Armor (ok, maybe it was a t-shirt and jeans)

What haven't I done lately...many lessons learned. I'll share a few in the coming days.

Lesson 1...

Soap in the eyes + more soap in the eyes + more soap in the eyes = Allergic Conjunctivitis - or as I say "With (Spanish word "Con") Junk in the Eyes".

Corey had this amazing idea (it really was amazing and I'd do it again in a heartbeat) of us (John, Corey and myself) getting totally suds up for the Friday night Camp Adventure mass slip and slide so he bought three colors of dish soap and we poured it on big time...head to toe. Unfortunately, I didn't tighten my goggles enough and a good portion of it went straight from my head into my eyes.

It hurt and hurt bad! 20 hours, four showers, an eye rinse by nurse Jody and a jump off the high dive didn't stop the tears from streaming down the left side of my face or prevent my eye lid from swelling three times its normal size. Fortunately we were in our final hours of camp.

So, camps over and we're having our annual post-camp gathering at McDonalds. I call my amazing administrative assistant, Chris, to make sure the camp bus got back ok and she willingly calls my eye doctor for me to see what my eye remedy might be (I'm thinking a whole lot of Visine - you know, "get's the red out"). Word back...If her eye is still bothering her that much she needs to come in right away cause something could have detached from something and that's not good (I'm not sure what she said, but in my mind it was like the retina from the cornea)...oh yeah, and she shouldn't be driving!

Chris, predicted my response..."oh, somethin' somethin' didn't detach from somethin' somethin'... and I can drive just long as I keep my left eye shut anyway." It was, however, just enough to freak me out a little. I ditched them at Mc-a-dee's and went staight to my eye doctor, which I had exactly 8 minutes to see before I had to head out for a two hour drive to a wedding. I'm praying on the way in, "please Jesus don't let there be any one waiting." Unfortunately, there was. The doctor was in with someone and had another guy waiting. However, the guy waiting sees the predicament I'm in and offers to let me go first which was very cool. He was like a knight in shining armor. I was grateful. it turns out...somethin' didn't detach from somethin'. I just had an eye infection, which would only have gotten worse as the weekend progressed.


Corey Mann said...


Just Me typing away said...

I SO KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT EYE INFECTIONS!!!!!! I have has 2 at Camp Wesley Woods for 2 straight years, and we don't know what caused it not even the nurse ????????????????????????? Let me tell ya about that one. Thanks for the comment, and heopfully your eye feels better. See ya somewhere. Hope you had an awesome week, and it sounds like everyone had a good time. I love when people give their selves up to Christ, and I wonder how many parties they have up there????? I've always wondered -lol-

God Bless, and have a safe rest of the summmer!
