Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Gulfport Day 1 Continued-WalMart Theory

Ok, so I have this theory. You want to hear it? I believe if you take a student to Wal-Mart a couple of times on a mission trip, you will never have to deal with homesickness. After 9 years, I have yet to be proven wrong. Why is that? Well, glad you ask. Every Wal-Mart is pretty much the same when you walk in the door, the gummy worms are over here, the t-shirts over there and the energy drinks in the grocery section. It the same everywhere, in Indiana, in Tennessee and even in Mississippi. It's an instant connection and very calming, like comfort food when stressed.

However, the interesting thing about this team is that they already seem like they're at home. Going to Wal-Mart today was nice, but not a necessity. I think it might be due into part that we worked, played, ate and slept at the church today. We weren't frantically running to and fro. We had the chance to get comfortable right where we're at. I think that might become a theory...work the first day on site so they can adjust to the new environment with ease.

As John wrote about so wonderfully, we truly did have a great day. I got to spend time with students here and there. Hilary was helping to head up the crew of those painting the trim outside. They busted through big time! Craig, Olivia, Trista and Stephanie were out there when I buzzed through. We played a round of the "If you could...", before I had to head off to Lowe's for some more paint. Craig talked about wanting to become a youth pastor. I think he'd be an incredible one. Olivia talked about wanting to work with the younger kids downstairs. She'd be amazing at it. Trista and Stephanie are awesome as well. They were like machines when it came to painting the trim.

I'm still working on getting the three Austin's and two Garret(t)'s down. I know who they are, but for some reason I want to call the Austin's Garrett and the Garrett's Austin. Here's some info on them. Austin Brookes cracks me up, he's so fun. Austin Patterson I really didn't know much about before the trip, but can tell that he's an amazing guy. Austin Fox-Welter will always hold a special place in my heart. Garrett Hess cut his finger on the trowel today (don't worry mom, it was the equivalent to a bad paper cut). I offered to sew it up and let him pick the thread color, but he opted for a bandaid instead...smart boy. Garret LaCluyse picked out some pretty cool shades at Wal-Mart. He's a lot of fun too!

Thanks for allowing your students to join us! Thanks for the encuragment notes as well. They mean a lot. Day one has been incedible. I can't wait to see what the rest of the week holds. We'll I got to go. It's late and I sent you kids to bed awhile ago at 10:45 p.m.


Anonymous said...

Cory & team -

Hey...it's Mom. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and praying for you and everyone down there. I hope you all know how incredibly awesome you are and how proud I am of all of you!! If the future of our country is in the hands of kids like you, then we are all in great shape!! It is INCREDIBLY hot here!! Yesterday it was 104 with the heat index and today it is to reach 106!! UGH!! Well, gotta go! Love and miss you - Mom
P.S. Scamp says hi!!

Corey Mann said...

Judy, I was back to walking today and prayed about your trip for a while. I let my mind wander about what it would be like to be in that situation. It got so much media coverage at the beginning and has really dropped off but there is so much to do. I love that you have partnered with the local church. Pace yourself-I don't think God's plan for you this week is to literally physically break yourselves to the point of not being useful. I love hearing about Pastor Tim and his story. I'll see you when you get back.

John-I'm tackling 1st Timothy just like we did James. I think that is my new morning "thing". Paul mentoring Timothy is amazing. I'm chewing on Chapter 2 and 3. I've got some questions about Chapter 3 that I need to ask someone much wiser than me...and I'm ok with that. I hope you are finding some time to steal away for yourself. Your heavenly father is proud of you boy. Show me....AWESOME!

JUDY and JOHN-got to chew on Poppa B's ear for a couple of hours yesterday about summertime, Mexico, and us. I love us. I kick myself in the hiney for not being obedient sooner....there is a lesson there somewhere.

EVAN-How are you buddy? Holding up? Are you rocking a cool toolbelt today? Chloe and I are going to see Monster House. Didn't know if you heard the news but there is a "little Mann" on the way. He was showing off at the ultrasound yesterday. I told him to "put some clothes on!" but he just kept on wiggling around.

Get home you guys....and what do you say we do it all over again in 4 weeks?

Anonymous said...

hey guys!
i hope you all are having a wonderful time! lean in and get as much out of this as you can! you never know what God has is store for ya... itll be awesome tho!

in Christ-

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of what you all are doing there. God is so good and He has many awesome things for you all to witness and to do yet this week. I know it is not easy but stay cool!!!
Carole Sayre (Karen's mom)

Anonymous said...

hey cory wonderly, grandpa and I are thinking and praying for you on your trip.Grandapa is on a trip of his own this week down in southern Kentucky.He said it sure was hot there too. I bet you are just as hot in Miss. I took care of Jonathan on monday.He is a cutie. Grandpa and I are so very proud of you for this srevice project you are involved in.More young people should be like you. We are missing you but knowing you are in in gods loving hands and doing his work. He wants you to have lots of fun in the process as well. See you when you get home.lots of love....G&G xxoo

Anonymous said...

Hi Garret LaCluyse my bud
I am proud of you
Garret I Love Youooooooooooooo from me your little bro Aaron

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
Just posted a comment, but it went under the first days logs. Please take a moment to read it.
Once again, GOD Bless you all are wonderful.
Great Job Sissy ( Trista )keep up the hard work!!

Anonymous said...


We miss you buddy. Murphy pooped in the basement. Good thing you are getting this clean-up experience. I'll leave the basement for you. You are in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

david payumo... it's me again, your sister... from the blogs, i can see that all of you are really really busy... keep up the good work and just always remember that all of us here are thinking and praying for you and your group there...

Joshua Johnson said...

Walgreens had the same effect on me when I went on mission trip with our students last month.

Hope the trip continues to go well.

Anonymous said...

It is great to hear how you guys are working for God and making a difference there. If it touches ME in the heart from this distance, then think of the impression you are leaving on the people that you are in direct contact with!

Brenda: The kitties are doing fine and I have another amazing sunset booked for us on your return :) Love ya!

Blessings to all, Paul

Anonymous said...

Hey Austin P., I just wanted to send ya a quick note. Sounds like things are going well and lotsa progress is being made. After I'm done at the cafe' tonight, I headin' off for a weekend of camping....yep, in a tent.....haven't done that in at least 10 years. lol. Your mom is gonna check up on Sydney...think she can handle it without you to help?:) Austin, I want to tell you again how proud I am of you. God's teachin' you some things that noone else can and you've opened your heart to him and what he can do.You're a winner! I love you, Grama Michelle

Anonymous said...

hey judy!!!
u told me to post a comment, so i am!!! this is sooooo exciting!!!
WOOT WOOT!!! (if u don't no who this is by now, it is sam from 5 star!!!!) WOOT FOR JESUS!!! JUDY U ROX AND I CANT WAIT UNTIL NEXT SEMESTER OF 5*!!!!
ttyl judy,
c ya next week!!