Thursday, August 03, 2006


It's hard to believe it, but it is already day 3 down here in Gulfport! The team worked, worked, worked, worked...worked today! We finished up all but some final touches on the carpeting and painting here at the church. Throughout the day we had teams getting things ready for tonight's VBS/Block Party at a partner church. We had teams cooking cupcakes and then later cooking hot dogs, making sno-cones and serving up meals.

Another team was working at the partner church all day painting some of their classrooms from which they cleared all the junk yesterday. The pastor told some of the leaders how special this was to them. The church's congregation is largely elderly and they are not capable of moving all the stuff we moved yesterday and doing all the paint work. That team got quite a bit accomplished physically, but more than that they were able to breath life into an exhausted pastor, give him hope for the future and show him that people still care.

During the afternoon, teams handed out flyers through 3 different FEMA trailer parks inviting kids to the VBS and inviting families to come for a free meal and food to take home. We handed out food to 89+ families! We served around 250 hot dogs along with pounds of shaved ice in sno-cones! The VBS schedule didn't quite go as planned, but the children had fun and the adults were given some hope and a meal. We shared stories tonight for about a half an hour on the conversations and time we spent with the people as we helped them make their way down the line gathering their food for them. YOUR kids did amazing! All in all it was a 12 hour workday! I think they're going to sleep well tonight!

Keep sending your comments and your prayers. Pray specifically that we would be able to finish our work projects strong tomorrow as it is our last full work day to finish up our big projects! We love you guys and appreciate your prayers and encouragements!

Gulfport out.



Anonymous said...

Hi Leaders,
What a great job you are doing. We canot say enough about how we feel about you helping our children, become aware of their gifts and the grace middle school people can have, to lead by example and to do what right,
keep pressing on.
Hi Kids,
We were waiting for the update, we could not wait to see how much all of you are accomplishing today.

You are touching so many lifes and inspiring all of us. PRESS ONNNNNN
Too Do Moooore....

Remeber the Power Band
Blue: Those who accepted his message were baptized...........

Love ya, Steve & Ada LaCluyse
and proud parents of
Garret LaCluyse

Anonymous said...

John Michael,
I sure am enjoying your blogs and hearing all that has been done in a day!!! The team is making a huge impact!!! You are definetly letting you lights shine!!! So proud of all of you....Lead well, stay strong and know I am praying for a good days work today!
Love, mom

Anonymous said...

hi david payumo...
you are all doing a great job there... it looks like you've done a lot! as for us here, we are better. we're not sick anymore. we haven't done much and went anywhere.
anyway, i hope everything's well on your side! take care always!
love, your sister

Anonymous said...

It’s good to read of the great things God is doing though this team. Back home we are so proud of you for being willing to serve and getting involved.

Even though the VBS schedule did not start as smoothly as planned, the love of Jesus shines through when you are caring for their basic needs and being there for them.

Keep up the good work, enjoy your experience there.

Tell the ‘Sheep’ we love him and we are proud of him.

Anonymous said...

Wow! souns like ya'll are doing a great job down there. You don't know how much this is going to impact those people or how much it impacts those of us who read your updates. Yesterdays brought tears to my eyes as I read about the man who just got out of the hospital and how you went and got the supplies he needed. Keep up the good work. God will bless all your efforts. Keep them smiling Craig.

Anonymous said...

Hi team!

What a wonderful week! Judy and Johnny (and all of the leaders), thank you for your sharing with all of us. What great witnesses and leaders you are for our kids and for Christ.

We continue to pray for the team to finish the week strong. You are doing great work and most importantly showing the love of Christ with your hands, feet, and spirit. What a privilege it is to be serving together for Christ.

Beccah, we love and miss you. We can't wait to see you and know that God has done great things with and through you and the whole team.

Love, Mom, Dad, Josh, Matt, and Jacob

Corey Mann said...

Good work brother!

Good Work sister!

Anonymous said...

Johnny...see my comment on yesterday's post, i inadvertantly (sp?) posted on yesterday instead of today, we're really proud of you and have been praying daly for you...keep up the good work!

w/ christ's love,

patrick & jen

amberWIRE said...

Amber's thought for the day...

"There are few things better than hotdogs, sno-cones, and the love of Jesus on a hot summer day."

You guys are world changers! I am so proud of you!


Anonymous said...

Hey good work. wish I was there with all you. Kepp it up.

Anonymous said...

Hi you guys:-)
I just wanted to let you know that I am soooo proud of each of you!! I'm praying for you and am excited to hear about what God has and will continue to do through each of you. I love you guys-be safe-and I'll see you soon. By the way, did you know that Judy's Birthday is on Sunday!!!! Happy early Birthday Judy:-)
Adios, Jeanna

Anonymous said...

Hey TEAM -

We got your photo and I'm telling the whole church about your good work for JESUS tonight at the New Community. You all look GREAT on the big screen at GCC. I am so proud of you.

Keep up the good work. You honor all of us as you represent us on the mission field. We're pryaing like crazy.

Stay faithful. You matter.

- Poppa "B"

Anonymous said...

Judy and the awesome Oasis team!

Know that I'm / we're proud of you - proud of your "others matter" attitude, your commitment through sweat and more sweat, and your strong representation of Christ in the world! Stay strong as you put in one more FULL day of hard work alongside a host of great people who call that area "home".

You matter!

Mark Waltz

Anonymous said...

We're very proud of the ALL of you. I hope that your last full day was productive and as rewarding as yesterday.
Have a good time at the Water Park tomorrow and have a safe trip back to Birmingham. Can't watch for you to get home Saturday.
Love You
Mom, Dad, Stacy & Gram

kasie said...

This picture is cute cute cute especially when its blown up and the people in it are 2ce mark's size.

I was excited to see all the kids up on the screen tonight at new community!..

You guys are awesome!...

and im sure because of the recent heatwave you all know almost exactly what the weather was like in Mexico!..I'm sure God has sent you some much needed relief as he did to us !

I'll Keep Praying for you!You guys Rock!Keep being the hands and feet of jesus and stay strong in team unity!Let God continue to use you and show his strength through you weather it be with Kids, Families, or just physical strength to finish those BIG projects!Can't wait to hear all the stories!

To the 8th and 9th graders; Wow! what an amazing oppurtunity you have been given! I know that you guys have the ability to lead so lead well! I can't wait to see you guys in Lifeline and the others serving around Oasis and All-stars!You guys rock!


Kara :-) said...

Hello All...
You are all doing AMAZING things down there for Christ. This is the first in a few years that I haven't gone on the oasis trip, and let me just say that I am jealous of and miss you. Keep going strong and never let a God moment pass you by. I am praying for you and love you.


Anonymous said...

Cory and team -

It blesses my heart each day to read this!! I know that God is so pleased with you and the work that you are doing for Him!! It's such an awesome privelge that He is using you to love others!! I hope that you are staying cool and refreshed. I am sure the water park will help with this!! Can't wait to see you on Saturday!! Miss you lots, but love you even more! Mom