Sunday, August 20, 2006

Back to Reality

It's been a GREAT summer...a long summer, but a GREAT summer. I officially closed the door on summer after our mission trip picture party on Monday night and then proceeded to take Wednesday through Saturday off. I didn't do a whole lot of anything except rest, which was good and hard at the same time. I think I slept more in those four days than I did the entire summer.

While I closed the door on summer, there are a memories I won't soon forget. Gulfport ones are below in no particular order.

Shopping for clothes with Andrew, Becky and Garrett for Rickey, the homeless man, we met in Gulfport. In particular, the finger nail clippers and the sleeping bag decisions.

Watching Dalton be out of his comfort zone, but choosing to continually pushing through it to help people in need.

Talking with Kelsey outside the church one night in Gulfport.

Becky talking about how people shouldn't have so much fun painting as she, Peyton, Craig and Kelsey had that day.

Jerrod as he bounced through the food line to help the next person carry their stuff.

Hilary leading the trim painting team out underneath the tent.

Evan doing one of the many things he does best...helping out wherever he is needed most. Up until the last day when his eyes looked a little glazed over from fatigue, you would have no clue that he spent the previous week working in blazing hot Mexico.

Meeting Pastor Harper and his wife.

The upstairs of the church after we painted the dark paneling and laid new carpet. It looked sweet.

The two quiet times we spent at the beach just talking with Jesus.

Looking for an adapter all night long to get the trailer lights to work that was connected to the 15 passenger van.

Austin Brooks when he got to cook.

Austin Patterson when he helped load the trailer.

Watching Chris do the trip with two of her sons.

Grocery shopping with students each day. Pushing four carts through the store at Wal-Mart with them. Trying to find taco shells (especially given that I hate tacos).

Trista making sno-cones (or as they call it Gulfport...sno-balls).

Kaela handing out hotdogs with a huge grin on her face.

Gabby asking if she could clean the bathrooms.

Jeremy showing one of the students how to use a power tool.

Andrew and Dave singing in the sanctuary.

Walking along the beach one morning with a handful of students. It wasn't even 7 a.m. yet and it was already blazing hot by the Gulf. Seeing strung out VHS tapes and other family memorabilia near the edge of the water. Seeing chicken bone after chicken bone on the beach as well (evidently railroad cars of chickens were at the docks when the storm hit).

The snapshots we have of...
Craig at the church.
Neil and Grant.
Austin at the airport.
Jeremy and the guys exhausted on their air mattresses,

1 comment:

amberWIRE said...

Im so glad you've had a couple of days to rest and relax! You are incredible! I love you!