Monday, September 11, 2006

Baptism...The Rain Couldn't Stop Us

Yesterday was cold and rainy, but that didn't, shouldn't and couldn't stop hundreds from publicly declaring their faith in Christ at Life Action Ranch. It was incredible! Corey, John and I got the pleasure of baptising scores of people. It was awesome to have the team assembled and dunking...together.

As far as the cold, it was the oddest thing. Normally, I'm the first to turn on the heater...just ask those in the youth loft when I create a mini sauna in my office. However, for some reason, no matter how cold it is, I'm fine in the water when it comes to baptising people. Yesterday, I was grateful for that.

My most memorable dunks were some Oasis students and my friend, Kira. September 10, 2006 was their day...a day not soon forgotten.

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