Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Kick Off

The inflatables have long been deflated and loaded back on the truck, the skittles picked up and the overflowing trash emptied, the toliets flushed and the lights turned off. It was a great, great kick off. The official total is not in, but we know the count was over 625. Over 625 lives Jesus entrusted to us tonight. I, I believe...we honored Him in it.

The line up...
1. Inflatables, cafe, video games from 4:45 - 6:45 p.m. Wow, there were a lot of inflatables. We even got a few extra thrown in there for free. Too long of story and too late to tell why, just know I'm grateful to Kevin over at Metro Inflatables. Thank you Jesus for sunshine...I'm grateful for that too.

2. We started the programmed part of the night with one of Johnny's most incredible video creations to date. It was a great summer recap.

3. The minute it was over Trace, Jeff, Adam and Brenden struck their first cord. Can you say AMAZING! They played Stars, Forever and Ever, I am Free and Undignified.

4. Johnny welcomed the crowd and had them take a quick time out to fill out a registration to do the registration cards...Eagle's nests (breakout groups) are right around the corner and in order for them to work you've got to break them out just so. As an incentive to get them done quickly, a few Ring Pops tossed here and there motivated them.

5. Then it was off to the races...the pony races. Section 1 won the tasty, but ever so cheap, Air Heads. Hey, when you're looking at giving away candy to over 250 students in one of four sections, you gotta go cheap. We'll save the Reeses for next time. Johnny closed with an ever so kind intro for me. I felt blessed.

6. I prayed and gave the message God put on my heart...Click Moments.

Here it is in a nutshell...
Began by taking pictures of kids, talking about click or Kodak moments and how Jesus has me take pictures every once in a while...not necessarily physical pictures, but mental ones for me to remember with all of my heart, mind and soul when he's shown up in a big way or wants me to learn something. Ex. camp, mission trip and veterans meeting.
...Showed Tyler's blob clip (thanks Corey) and talk about the nudge I had not to let Corey do it.
...Showed Ricky's picture and talked about fingernail clippers and sleeping bag.
...Talk about veterans meeting and how I felt Jesus saying "Judy this is how Oasis is supposed to be" after walking in and feeling so loved by those around me. It was like walking into a reunion.

Which led to the vision for Oasis.
...Illustrated with Lord of the Rings video clip of army outside of the Black Gate and Frodo and Sam tired and dehydrated nearing Mount Doom (thanks Johnny). Challenged students to find the three "click" friendship moments.

Gimli: I never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf. Legolas: What about side by side with a friend?
Vision for Oasis to be a place of acceptance. Doesn't matter size, shape or color of your skin (or how pointed your ears are).

Sam: C'mon Mr. Frodo, I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you.
Vision for Oasis to be a place where we'll walk through life...together...carrying each other when necessary. Ex. Caleb walking with the Israelites the 40 years in the desert, carrying their burden, lending his leadership. It wasn't his mess...he could of bailed, thrown in the towel on his relationships, but he didn't. The dude was old...85 years old to be exact...when it came time to take what he knew the Lord was capable of giving them 45 years earlier.

Aragorn: My brothers, I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. The day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bounds of fellowship, but it is not this day. This day we fight for all that you hold dear.
Vision for Oasis to be a place where we fight for what we hold dear...Our know Him and make Him know. Ex. Story in Brennan Manning's book of Tim Casey and Jack Robinson. Tim falling on a grenade for Jack. Tim's mom to Jack: "What more could he have done to show his love for you Jack." Similar to Jesus when we wonder whether He truly loves us, think "What more could he have done for you."

7. Had them reflect on that as they watched the SPLAT EXPERIENCE. Very cool. The students loved it! You should have seen how many were taking pictures with their cell phones. Evidently, it was a "click" moment:)

8. Closed in prayer...then announcements and giveaways.

It was an awesome night. It's 3:45 in the morning now, I think I'll go home. After all, haircut at 10:30 and Bible study at noon.

Thank you Jesus. Thank you John, Chris, Corey, Trace, Jeff M., Adam T., Brendan, Jeff G., Adam C., Zach, Hilary, Patrick and the COUNTLESS leaders (seriously, there were like 100 of them) who made it happen! Words cannot express how truly grateful I am. Couldn't and wouldn't have wanted to do it without you.

I love Oasis...I love our team...I love Jesus...enough said.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! I'm so proud of you. Well done. Well done. Well done.
Great days are ahead! Stay faithful. You matter.
- Mark Beeson

Anonymous said...

Awesome Judy. I have been praying for you and your leaders since SWAT and it was wonderful to hear that things went so well. Thanks for taking the time (at 3:45am!) to post the details so we can all share in your joy. Thanks for leading our middle schoolers so well.
