Saturday, November 04, 2006

Notes from this weekend

Your desire for kingdom purposes needs to be bigger than your own insecurities.

Testimonies after retreats are important.

Message prepared in the mind reaches the mind. A message prepared in the heart will reach the heart.

Communication experts say that you have to say something seven times for 92% to hear it.

Always answer the “why” behind the “what”.

Never rules, just guidelines.

Communication: 7% content, 38% tone of voice, 55% body language

Don’t have gay overtones in dramas and stuff, you’re killing people. There are people who struggle in the crowd. As we go, the more we’ll see extraordinary people who have touched into the homosexual lifestyle. Statistics tell me that 25% of the youth pastors in this room has touched into the gay lifestyle.

Drama goes after humor and heart. Your plot line has to connect to their life. Can’t just be cool, you got to be able to feel.

Don’t come at a kid with a bad attitude with a bad attitude. You don’t need to do that.

Sometimes give people parts just to get them to the retreat. (check out this website for software)

If you have no hope for the future, there is no power for the present.

Creative Leader by Ed Young (book recommended by Cory)

Big heart is ultimately more important than big group. Unfortunately, big group can be grown without big God.

Persistence is the greatest revenge you can ever pay to Hell. Refuse to give up. However, you can’t coach someone who doesn’t want to be coached. Sometimes you have to give people air (still saying, however, “I will never give up on you, you know where you can find me.”)

Emotional adultery can even creep up on those who live for Jesus wholeheartedly, so guard your emotions fiercely. Emotional adultery occurs when you have emotional needs being met by another person that should only be met by Jesus Christ or your spouse.
Indicators or signs that you may be heading toward emotional adultery:
You care too much how you look when you’re around a particular person.
You always make time for a particular person.
Can happen with same sex.
There are changes in your voice tones with a particular person.
Devil makes sure to meet emotional needs when they’re not being met. Adultery doesn’t start in the bedroom, but starts in the emotions. If you ignore it, it will become a beast to sever.

Don’t overlook the normal kids in your youth ministry. Normal kids will probably be the long haul heroes many years from now. They don’t necessarily have a lot of highs and lows, but have a bent toward consistency – they will out stay everyone.

Successful youth ministries are process driven, not event driven. Process is smaller.

Family always trumps cool.

Nights I feel like a failure are often Hell anointed distortions of reality. Mark it down. The mind games will be eternal so learn to fight back.


Anonymous said...

How do you overcome insecurities so that your focus is on Kingdom purposes? When the mind has held the insecurites for 20 years, but the heart has held Jesus for only 2 years, How do you let the heart take over the head?

Judy Gregory said...

I think recognizing the hold your insecurities have on you is half the battle. The other half of the battle is won day by day in the trenches and on your knees. It's almost like you have to reprogram yourself. You slip more often in the beginning, but as time goes on, those slip ups become less frequent. I wish I could say that I've overcome all of my insecurities, but to be honest, I'm just beginning to scratch the surface myself on some of them. I'm tackling them...and the lies that come with them... one by one.