Monday, April 09, 2007

Just Under the Wire

Next weekend is a BIG weekend at Granger Community Church. It's when we take our first offering that will go toward the MyLife campaign. I was having a hard time looking forward it knowing that I hadn't completed my Come Together campaign pledge yet. I can come up with a thousand excuses why, like I didn't think I'd spent over a grand in December making improvements to my house in order to sell it. However, in the back of my mind, a commitment is a commitment. If you say you'll show up, show up. If you say you'll do it, do it. If you make a promise, figure out a way to keep it. No one should ever have to ask or wonder if something is going to get done that you said you'd do. In my mind, if I can't be trusted to make good on my commitments, that's a huge statement about my character and integrity (of course, there are those rare exceptions, but even when you have to back out of those, there is a way to do it right). So all of that left me wondering and praying, "How am I going to pull this off?" As God would have it, the tax check came in the nick of time! Come Together is OFFICIALLY paid off! Now, I can get stoked about next week!

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