I have photo's of my vacation, but of course left the SD card at home. It was nothing spectacular, but was totally wonderful nonetheless. I spent the first half of it at home in Indiana, hanging out with family and friends. I love them both...so very much. I barbequed with friends (actually Bob barbequed, we just ate), did church and Applebees with the family, watched baby Sarah with my sister, went and saw the 12:01 showing of Indiana Jones with some friends and family for fun, met up with Jeremy at Barnes and Noble, took care of some business/appointments and a couple of other things in between it all. Like I said, nothing very adventurous but fun nonetheless. I had a whole list of people I wanted to spend some time with, but only made it through half the list.
Actually ended that portion of my vacation at Oasis on Wednesday night after DC's invite. I totally had a blast and actually ran a small group of incoming 6th graders girls. One of the questions on the discussion sheet was "What is one thing you think would make Oasis great?" (or something like that). They said the expected for incoming 6th graders ... roller coasters, water rides, celebrities, etc. I then had them lean in, waited for the silence, and whispered ... "You know what makes Oasis great?" They all thought I was going to say something super profound, but instead I just whispered, "you do." They giggled. I told them that Oasis could have all that stuff, but if they didn't show up or they didn't have friends who truly cared about them there too, it wouldn't be any fun. They really are truly what makes it great. I then challenged them to dive in ... go to camp (guaranteed it would be the best week of their summer), told them to show up to Second Saturday, and anything else they could be a part of. It was great seeing all the students and leaders of days gone by. They're amazing as always.
I cut home in Indiana short to head back to Atlanta for some alone time. I always wanted to be that person that got recharged around people, but finally got honest with myself and admitted I need to withdraw to recharge. While I love being around lots of people, it doesn't recharge me. In the ATL, I spent a lot of time reading, hanging out on my deck, chillin' by the water at Stone Mountain and my apartment's pool, journeling and praying.
Tried to end vacation by filing my taxes and getting my license plates today, but good grief ... neither Turbo Tax or the State of Georgia likes me. Turbo Tax actually calculated my Indiana State tax wrong (nothing like paying for a service and getting the wrong bottomline and having to do it by hand anyway). And the State of Georgia, one word...UGH! First it was the DMV run-around a couple of months ago (honestly had to go there 4 or 5 times to get my stupid license changed), but now I'm on my third time at the trying to get plates. Seriously, I wish you could see the stack of paperwork I've accumulated ... title, old registration, driver's license, utility bills from Indiana, rental contract from Georgia, emissions inspection and proof of insurance... But oh no, not just any proof of insurance ... insurance cards don't work, declaration page doesn't work if it's over two month's old ... honestly, I'm still trying to figure out what works. Right now I'm thinking which is worse, the run-around which will drive me insane and cost me tax money .,.. or ... an improper plates ticket in the event I get pulled over. I guess I'll keep trying ... you know what they say, you don't want to get pulled over in Dekalb county. The lesson in the deal is for me to quit waiting until the last minute to take care of personal junk. To top the day off, I owe Uncle Sam $1,148 (so much for the Stimulus check and state refunds). I've never owed, so didn't think it would be a big deal to not make the April 15 deadline ... forgot the small things like no longer having mortgage interest to deduct...oops.