Friday, July 20, 2007

Sheer Brilliance and All Heart

Just finishing reviewing the edits of the next Source and Youth Leader's Coach (new website will be up August 1). It's the third time in three days I've heard the wisdom of Jeanne Mayo - once live and twice on Memorex. Besides being freakishly brialliant, she's all heart. I didn't type it verbatim, but she ended her last Youth Leader's Coach saying something like this...

Some day I would hope that when I’m promoted to be with Jesus there will be a bunch of people who will authentically be able to say in their heart of hearts, “Jeanne Mayo believed in me, she saw the best in me and she told me about it.” What a signature. How good are you at telling people around you legitimately what you see positive in them?

How good am I? Not bad but there is a lot of room for improvement.

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