Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Alex in Ecuador Drinking Chonta Chicha

Alex left MC Atlanta to do missions work all around the globe. He is currently working in Ecuador. We got this email from him late last night ... I love emails that make you laugh out loud.

Listen... Interesting story today.... I learned that the Shuar Indians are somehow direct descendants of Jesus... They can walk on water... well, maybe not on water... but on mud for sure... We hiked up to a waterfall today.... and it was QUITE THE HIKE!!! A couple of hours of hiking... in the mudd.... and I put two d´s on there... because it was quite intense! There was a pregnant lady... and two old women carrying their babies on their backs in a sling that were guiding us... Listen, if I had my baby on my back... he would have died at least five deaths!!! But not them... They weren't even dirty!!! Me on the other hand... I have never fallen so much! It's like I lost all sense of balance.... They took us to a few waterfalls up on this mountain... where they live and walk every day!!! And we were told that it would take around 20 minutes... Let´s try about two and a half hours...

But the waterfalls were beautiful... I got some great pictures.... and then they decided that rather than hiking back up the muddy hill that I practically SLID down instead of walked down.. they decided that we would blaze a new trail!!! Right through the heart of the jungle... Luckily I had this guy behind me... about 17 that was holding me up and picking ants off of my feet and legs... This was QUITE the sight to see!!! There were about three men in the front with machetes and a rifle... I figured they were going to get us deep in the middle of nowhere, strip us butt naked and then cut our heads off... but I think that we were far too entertaining for them to mess with us... Let me just say... it is quite humbling to be far outdone by a pregnant lady... and two ladies carrying babies... (by the way... BOTH of which were nursing the whole time!!!) but we eventually made it out.... and I am alive... But let me just say that I feel EVERY BIT OF 32 YEARS OLD TONIGHT!!!) My whole body hurts... And nothing quite works like it should!!! I may have to come back to the states on a stretcher... lol...

As we were walking back, one of the ladies asked... Why the heck did you want to come to these waterfalls when there is one only a 20 minute walk from the car... That's right... someone got confused and thought that we wanted the intense trail... All I had to eat was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich... and by the time I got to the car, I was ready to PUKE... But guess what was waiting for me... That´s right... a big hearty gourd of Chonta Chicha... and I mean this stuff was thick... and stringy... and warm.... (in case you don't know... Chicha is a drink where the women chew up a vegetable - this time Chonta... and spit it into a vat and then let it sit for a few days... and WAH LAH... a beautiful drink) I had one sip of that and KNEW that it was not going to stay down... so i smiled, wiped the slime from my lips and politely handed the gourd back to the wee little Indian...

So that was my day... Exciting, I know... Don't be jealous!!! :)

But I say all that to say that it was worth it all! It was truly a great day...
Love ya'll!!!

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