Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Time To Pray

Spent some time praying tonight, as always there is reason to talk to Jesus.

Tonight I talked to Jesus about Camp Adventure. A boatload of kids are there and, for many, if not all, it will change the trajectory of their very lives. Many will mark there spiritual journey by Camp Adventure July, 2008. I prayed the kids would have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to feel. I prayed for the counselors to have enormous amounts of strength, courage, compassion, wisdom and love.

Tonight I talked to Jesus about Alissa and Nate. I was at their wedding in Pennsylvania this weekend. It was absolutely beautiful. They are newlyweds and in love, just beginning this journey called marriage.

Tonight I talked to Jesus about a friend's home life ... that restoration would occur ... for if it doesn't, a train wreck is inevitable and all will be left scarred ... if not already.

Tonight I talked to Jesus about our week long staff retreat in the mountains just a few short days away. We need His dreams, His heart and His wisdom for the 80, 90 or 100 plus students that we will have an opportunity to breath life into beginning just a few short weeks away. We need a sense of urgency and awareness to be all and do all we can for the cause, for the Kingdom, for the King.

Tonight I talked to Jesus about my dad. The waves of grief are further apart but they still come. While driving, I seem to be hitting the steering wheel a lot less these days, for that I am grateful ... and so is my car.

Tonight I talked to Jesus about those He put in my sphere of influence. I prayed for continued favor. They mean the world to me.

Finally, I talked to Jesus about my great niece Sarah ... that she would grow up strong and a princess warrior for Jesus.


Bridget said...

I have talked to a few students that are so excited about camp.
God is going to do some amazing things at camp this year. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your Camp Adventure prayers! It was a week like I personally have never experienced before. God moved in amazing amazing ways that I have never had the opportunity to witness. I've never had campers who taught me so much. I love that you were praying for us.

P.S. I miss you alot and would really like it if we could catch up some time :-)
