Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I am a freakin' idiot

So after I posted this morning, I jumped off and went into the sanctuary to pray with the MC students. Well not exactly "with," we all pray individaully...some stand, some walk, some sit, some are in the balcony, some on the back row, some on the front.

Mornings are not usually my prayer time, but since I was up, I thought I'd join them. I think it was my first time in there at the same time this year. I was inspired and encouraged, yet at the same time told myself how dumb I was for not being more intentional about being in there at the same time as they are.

My boss champions me, so much so that when I told her how much I felt like an idiot, she tried to cover for me. She said, "Mornings are just not your most exciting hours. Your rhythm matters." While she is sooo very much right, my desire to be with them and model for them trumps my hatred for those early daylight hours. Today, tomorrow and the next 2 1/2 months will be sponsored by the word "intentional."


Anonymous said...

Judy I have to tell you that you are anything other than a freakin' idiot. Me and my girls (especially Rayne) follow your blogs and you mean alot more to this family than you could ever know. From crossing the bridge (at GCC) with you up there to having you baptize me, you just have no idea the ways in which you have helped heal and change me. Just sayin........

Scotto said...
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Scotto said...

Judy, you do a lot many things that really leave an impression on me. the other day you being in prayer with us was one of them.

Judy Gregory said...

Suzy, in the midst of crazy busy days, you comment made my day. Thank you...thank you...thank you.

Scotto, brother, I love you. I love when you pop your head into my office to say hi. Here's to all those late night hours working in the office.