Monday, March 09, 2009

Where did that come from

Life is crazy busy with NYLC...crazy busy. As I posted on my facebook, it feels like I'm being chased by a dog and he's gaining on me. I am ridiculously excited about the conference at the end of this month, but have SOOOOOO very much to do within the next 20's not even funny.

However, first things first, we had to take time out for our annual church business meeting...can you say LOOOOOONG, but necessary...I guess. Anyway, Jeanne comes over right before we start and says that Pastor wants me to say a few words about our cost saving efforts. I say, "really?" (insert a reluctant tone of "I really don't want to, please don't make me do this"). She says, "Judy, he's proud of what you, Vicky and Sobrina have accomplished." "Ok." So, about 15 minutes later, I stand up and say something like, "Our nation has hit an economic iceburg. As you know, when it comes to iceburgs, you don't wait until you're upon them to try and turn the ship ... we saw it coming and have and will continue to analyze line by line where cuts can be made ... here are a couple of examples..." Anyway, all that to say, I love the iceburg anology, just can't remember where I stole it from.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the analogy too! Comes from Tim Elmore - Habitudes.
