Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm looking forward to our conversation

Tonight was...well...interesting. I went to Toni Jackmovich's funeral. She was an incredible mom and grandma. She worked as a kindergarten assistant for twenty-five years (I can't imagine being a kindergarten assistant for twenty-five minutes). She was the mother-in-law of a long time friend of mine. It was a Catholic funeral. Fortunately, I had my sixth grade teacher sitting next to me to interpret the whole thing...like who is Maria and Regina (Mary if you didn't know)? Andy was sitting behind me...I think we were both clueless.

The cool part was that I was able to connect with one of my best friends since 7th grade that I've lost touch with over the last couple of years. Today, we are as different as night and day, but I still love her dearly. Our beliefs are...we'll just say different. At the end of the funeral we jetted over to Clay High School to see her daughter's middle school orchestra concert. We arrived just in time to see them come out, which was kinda cool since I saw scores of Oasis students stream out the door. As we went to go our separate ways, she said "I've wanted to email you some stuff for awhile, but am waiting for the right time. I want you to know why I believe what I believe." I told her not to wait, but let's do it face to face. We both know that neither one of us is going to change our beliefs, we are both too stubborn for that. However, I am so looking forward to the dialogue, to conversing with someone outside of my Christian bubble. It should be fun.

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