Saturday, November 25, 2006

Wicked - The Play

I'm grateful that Corey and Johnny invited me to the prequel to the Wizard of Oz. I didn't know if I would like it. I'm not sure where I stand on the whole "Wicked" title and the fact that it's about witches. However, I found it to be AMAZING with potential for great discussion opportunities for those old enough to process it (my recommendation would be mature junior high, high school and on up).

Elphabai is born out of an adulterous relationship (which you don't see visually, but is insinuated) and is battling rejection and is searching for significance and her father's love. I've seen the second half of that line (the yellow part) up close and personal in youth ministry time and time again. Glinda begins the play as a spoiled brat. We get to see her move from being inward focused to outward focused throughout the play.

I started to drift a little right before they hit this scene known as Defying Gravity. It's where Elphabai has had enough. Wow, it was POWERFUL. I wish I could have of replayed it a few dozen times! Interesting enough, that was the students' favorite scene as well. There was something that resonated in our souls. Read some of the lyrics.

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by
The rules of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes
And leap...

I'm through accepting limits
Cuz someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try I'll never know
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost

With a lot of things, there is a dark and light side of the lyrics...depending on the PERSPECTIVE you CHOOSE to take. But what a great conversation starter. Especially the fact that it was the favorite scene of most there.

I understand and respect the views of those who support seeing the play and totally respect and understand those who choose not to. I know the verses that can support both sides. However, for me, this provoked a lot of thoughts within that will be fun to chew on in the coming days. If I had a kid, here are dinner discussion questions for after the play.

1. How does her mother's sin (adultery) affect Elphabai? What other sin do you see in the world that affects generations to come?

2. What deep hurts is Elphabai facing from the get go in regard to her relationship with her father? Do you ever struggle with rejection, significance or feeling loved? If so, when? In what situations are you most susceptible to feeling that way? (Hurt, Angry, Lonely, Tired, Etc.) What are positive ways to deal with those situations and feelings? (This question alone could take you all dinner long)

3. Who else in your life do you know that might be feeling a little green like Elphabai (hurt, rejected, insignificant or unloved)? How can you help?

4. What scene hit you the most and why?

5. How can the words that Elphabai said in the Defying Gravity scene be looked at as good? As bad? (Good: It's important that you don't let other people define your worth or determine your potential. Bad: Could stir up a rebellious spirit against authority which we are called to submit to.)

6. There's a famous quote "hurt people, hurt people." What does that mean and where do you see it in the play?

7. How do you feel about the fact that Elphabai, the wicked witch, turns out to be mostly good ... and Glinda and Dorothy not as good as you originally thought? Does that confuse you?

8. Tell me about the transformation you saw in Glinda from the beginning to the end.

9. Some people would object to you seeing this play. There is Biblical evidence that supports it, what is it? What Biblical evidence supports you seeing it? Why do you think I wanted you to see it? Why do you think it's important for me to download with you what you saw tonight?

10. What is the one take away lesson you got from seeing this play?

Yes, I fully realize that I'm probably the only geek on planet earth that would come up with disucssion questions for a kid I don't have at a ridiculous hour in the morning (it's 1:07 a.m.). The good news is that I stopped at 10 questions, I easily could of came up with 30.


Lindsay Mak said...

juuuuudddy! oh how i miss you. are you still around on sunday nights usually? i may visit lifeline when i come home on christmas break...

i wuv you!

kasie said...

So i went and saw that with you!
An by far my favorite part was the Defying Gravity part.
Alot of the reason is because your right the lyrics and the point of the song make sense.
As teenagers were stuck in this monotonous routine that we are forced into by our parents, teachers, etc. but most of all our friends. And we're stuck there because we can't figure out a way to get out of it. We know that its all a lie. That there has to be something bigger, something better for us but we don't know where to find it. We know that like it says in the song. It all comes at much to high a cost. loving the things the world loves and this life that we live day after day isn't worth the pain it causes ourselves and the people around us. But because of places like Lifeline ans Oasis God has given teenagers a place where they can leap . We're done accepting the rules and limits of the world. And we're going to start accepting God's limits. And were not going to sit by just because our parents, or teachers say that we can't change the world. because we know we can.

Alright now that im done Analyzing and putting a God view on Wicked. Im glad that you wrote this little post!

Just Me typing away said...

I am leaving you a comment, so you can never say again that I never leave you a comment. :]

Wicked was AMAZING I had so much fun. Nicole's birthday is in 20 days (21st) and of course she keeps reminding me (love her anyway!)

I downloaded 4 songs from Wicked (the one's I thought were truly amazing.) Defying Gravity, Popular, As long as your mine, What is this feeling? :] I am obsessed...oh! Nicole say hi.

My favo seens were Popular (becasue it was so extemely funny :D) and Defying Gravity (because it was so turn because we can't turn our backs on something we want to fight for.) All in all I had a great time, and we cool because Nicole and I are more than likely seeing it again somewhere near March next year :] Nicole and I can't wait.

Love the person who could ramble on and on about any subject which is probably so totally random, and can switch topics just as fast becasue she is special, awesome, and totally loveable like that,