Sunday, November 12, 2006

On Teaching Your Child to Impact their World - Part 1

Today was an AMAZING day! Started out at 8:15 a.m. and ended at midnight...non-stop action - Feed the Children, CiCi's, Five Star, Shawn McDonald and Texas Roadhouse (the only time out, which wasn't really a time out, was spent getting my car unstuck out of the mud at Manowe).

After crashing for a few hours, I woke up reflecting on the day. I think within it lies the principles for teaching your son or daughter to impact the world (LOVING OTHERS). Some things go without saying, you need to teach your child to (1) KNOW AND LOVE JESUS and (2) KNOW AND LOVE GOD'S WORD (TRUTH), but consider them said.

In order to help your son or daughter realize they can impact their world, you need begin instilling it in them at an early age. At GCC, we believe kids aren't the church of tomorrow, but the church of today and they have a role to play. There is a place and room for them to serve today, at the rip old age of 3. Below is picture proof at Feed the Children today. I could be wrong, but I think a couple of them were still in diapers.

1 comment:

amberWIRE said...

Amen Sister! I love to see these little guys impacting the Kingdom!