Last week's discussion guide, cue sheet and message at Oasis. We had a lot of fun, students laughed a lot, loved the videos and clapped at the end of each one. Good times, good times.Oasis Eagle’s Nest Discussion Guide
GameDay – Go Wide – 10.18.06
A Note to Leaders:
Hi friends! As Mark played this weekend's video of the SMT guys talking about who their "Samuels" were in their lives, I thought about you! Did you notice that most of their Samuels spoke into their lives when they were in middle and high school? You are Samuel for many of our students. While you may or may not remember them for years to come, they will remember you. Keep loving, encouraging and speaking life into them – they matter, you matter and Jesus matters! With much love and appreciation, Judy
Sub-Divide Your Eagle’s Nest into Smaller Groups and Take Attendance 5 minutes
Sub-divide into as many small groups as your leadership base can handle. Chris will be coming around to check on you. If you need an additional leader, we’ll figure out how to get you one.
Have each student fill out a small card with their FIRST and LAST name on it. Check the cards as you collect them, our students have a sense of humor sometimes. If someone is new, ask them if they filled out a big card at the registration table (if not, give them one of the big cards in your box).
Discussion Questions: 20 minutes
1. Go around the circle and quickly do names.
2. Give everyone a pack of Skittles (in your EN box). Let them eat them (but not throw them).
3. Is there a favorite color of Skittle that you like to eat first? If so, which color?
4. Let’s say people are like Skittles, are there certain types of people you gravitate toward first or connect with better? (athletes, skaters, gamers, burly, girly, tom-boyish, etc.)? Describe them.
5. What’s good about that?
6. What’s bad about that?
7. Think of the people in your school. Who are potential students that might fall through the cracks in regard to having great friends to do life with?
8. What about Mark (from video), would he be the type of student who might fall through the cracks? Why?
9. What are the risks that we take when we reach out to people that aren’t like us?
10. What are the potential rewards when we reach out to people, regardless of whether they are like us or not?
11. Mark is physically handicapped, but totally together emotionally, relationally, mentally and spiritually. He’s a great guy. However, there are people who look all together on the outside, but are hurting like crazy – almost handicapped like – on the inside. Think of one or two people you know like that and talk about them (don’t feel like you have to name names).
12. Who do you need to carry to Jesus? Give a couple of names specifically.
13. Who is depending on you to do it?
Close in prayer and pick up your trash 5 Minutes
Oasis – Cue Sheet GameDay – Go Wide – 10.18.06
6:25 Walk-In Video: PowerPoint Pictures with Music
6:30 Welcome, Series Intro and Game (students get name tags if they didn’t check in) – John
GameDay Series Slide Up for Welcome and Intro, then
Johnny’s Game PowerPoint Slide(s) Up for Game
At end, Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #1 – Relentless, Engage, WS, EO, SC, 180
6:45 Judy’s Message – Red Eagle’s Nest- Blue
Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #1
Total Recall Slides Up for Total Recall
GameDay Series Slide Up for Message (before and after video clip)
TRIP PowerPoint Slide (Judy will call for it)
Paul and Brenda picture as soon as I start talking about the wedding
Scripture PowerPoint Sides (Judy will call for it)
Eagle’s Nest Dismissal Slide Up #2 – Crossfire, RS, TF, Elevate, Testify, HV
7:20 Transition Time
Outgoing students out the Auditorium by Wal-Mart Doors (except Crossfire and Rock Solid go out Café Doors). All incoming students in the Auditorium by Atrium Doors
7:25 Judy’s Message – Blue Eagle’s Nest - Red
Message Seating Arrangement Slide Up #2
Total Recall Slides Up for Total Recall
GameDay Series Slide Up for Message (before and after video clip)
TRIP PowerPoint Slide (Judy will call for it)
Paul and Brenda picture as soon as I start talking about the wedding
Scripture PowerPoint Sides (Judy will call for it)
7:55 Transition Time – Eagle’s Nest Students In, Announcements and Giveaways
8:15 Worship
Relentless Atrium Skylight (Crossfire)
Engage Atrium Stage (Rock Solid)
Wildside Great Room (The Force)
Eagle One Penguin Room (Elevate)
Soul Candy In Front of the Wal-Mart Doors by New Entrance (Testify)
180 Bottom of Stairs by Wal-Mart Doors by New Entrance (High Voltage)
Oasis – Message
GameDay – Go Wide – 10.18.06
Anybody at one of the services this weekend? If you were, you saw the video I’m about to show. If you weren’t, you need to see this.
Much like the middle school guys are doing this weekend, the high school guys had a retreat a couple of weekends ago. There was a young man, Mark, who wanted to go, but has Cerebral Palsy and is in a wheel chair, which makes it difficult to get around where there is no cement. Many of you know Mark, he was at Oasis and went to Grissom last year. For him to go, it meant that someone had to carry him a lot of times – to the bathroom, to his bed, wherever. They had to help feed him and dress him. It took a commitment. It took him being able to count on someone. That someone’s name was Brendan Sweeney. Anyway, they wanted Mark to be able to experience everything, including the ropes course. It took a team to get Mark to the top, he went up first and came down last. Mark was counting on the team 100%. In return, Mark encouraged his team 100%. Check this out.
Mark Nania Video
Where going to talk about what it means to carry someone to Jesus tonight as we break into Eagle's Nests and dive into the message.
Tonight we’re talking about going wide – reaching people for Christ, sharing your faith. Bring as many people into the game as possible. Anybody know the churchy word for it? That’s right, evangelism. In a second I show you a little video that will either make you laugh or pee your pants. Darren Gray is the Evangelism Linebacker. He’s about helping students overcome the obstacles of sharing their faith. Check this out.
Linebacker Video from
While I think Jesus enjoys Darren’s passion, I don’t think He wants us to fear that we’ll get the snot kicked out of us if we don’t share our faith. Instead, He wants it to be the desire of our heart out of love for him and love for others. But even in the humor of it all, Darren hit on the basic reasons why we don’t. He talked about what TRIPs us up.
TURN DOWN – Fear of Rejection. What if they get mad, or stop liking me or think I’m some sort of freak.
RIDICULOUSLY BUSY – We’re running here, there and everywhere. Our minds are swimming and we lose sight of what’s important.
“I” MODE – Selfish – We horde Christ all for ourselves like new toys at Christmas.
PRIDE – Life is so good and so sweet, we fail to realize or remember why we have what we have, why we got what we got. Instead of giving God the props, we take the credit. We don’t fully recognize our need for Him, so we fail to mention Him.
Bottom line – we lose sight on what’s important when we step up to the line of scrimmage called life. We give up want matters most, for what we want in the moment. We concentrate on the individual (me), instead of the collective (we). Instead of serving others first, we serve ourselves…first. Our vision gets blurry. Kinda like this.
Got Service Video from
Earlier you saw the video of Mark, who is physically handicapped, but totally together emotionally, relationally, mentally and spiritually. As you saw in this video, there are others who have it together on the outside, but aren’t doing so good on the inside. They’re hurting. And for some reason, God is calling us to reach out to them. When I was thinking about what to say tonight, my mind drifted back to this weekend when Paul and Brenda were married.
I got a peak inside of Paul’s soul before the wedding when he told the story of how he met Jesus with tears in his eyes. You see, Jesus set up a divine appointment to meet with him the day he entered GCC doors for the first time. He thought he was just coming to church that day, but left having encountered Jesus through the touch of a child. Jesus knocked and Paul answered. Dr. Bob’s message that day was on how people are bound in chains, being dragged down and you don’t even know it – most of the time we are clueless. Paul thought, that’s me, I’m in chains. At the end of the service, when Dr. Bob went to close in prayer, this little girl who has down syndrome or something like it, reached over and grabbed his hand. He said, she didn’t know better. Evidently, when it came time to pray, this girl's family held hands, she was just doing what she knew. I think somehow God guided Paul or that little girl to that section that day. God knew Paul needed a touch and that He could count on this little girl to give him one.
As far as Brenda is concerned, God allowed her to go on a journey that she will not fully understand this side of heaven. She lost one of her boys when he was 5 and the other when he was 12. It’s been anything but easy. But earlier this year, when she sat next to a young lady in service who was weeping uncontrollable, she knew what to do. When others would pretend like they didn’t notice, Brenda noticed. In fact, she did more than notice. She put her arm around that young lady and prayed for her. She knew, whatever was going on, only Jesus could get her though it. She’s been there and has allowed God to transform her through her experience. I’m not sure she would be the incredibly loving and caring person that she is today had she not.
1 CORINTHIANS 13 POWERPOINT SLIDE UP- Really Listen to What Love Looks Like
Love is patient – It learns how to look past other people’s quirkiness, body odor, dorky
clothes or whatever.
Love is kind – It watches out for the underdog, the one who’s all alone, the last one to be picked, the one who isn’t so kind to them.
It does not envy – There’s no friend-vy, but simply wants the best for people and cheers them
It does not boast – Random acts of kindness are done in secret, not for the applaud of others.
It is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love’s primary concern is for others and for God to be
It is not easily angered. It knows that a lot of times meanness comes from pain inside. They
extend gracy and mercy freely
It keeps no record of wrongs. There is no score card.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. The truth that God loves everyone else
as much as he loves us.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always Love never fails.
But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened." But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.
1 Peter 3:14-16
Jesus has your back, do you have His? Reflect on that while you watch this video from Facing the Giants. It’s at movie theatres even now. You’re going to see a scene with the coach and one of his players. However, see with new eyes. Instead of looking at this scene from the perspective of a coach and his player, visualize yourself on the field with Jesus cheering you on.
Facing the Giants Video - Wholehearted - Death Crawl with Jeremy on his back
You can doubt yourself, but don’t doubt what God can do through you. Don’t write people off as a loss. Jesus is asking, promise me your going to do your best. You have influence with people you know not of. You walk around feeling defeated and so will they. He needs you. God’s gifted you, don’t waste it. Can He count on you?
Who do you need to carry to Jesus on your back or in your arms? Let me pray for you.