Saturday, April 19, 2008

Post #6 - Mexico - Del Norte

On Thursday, we went to yet another orphanage called Del Norte. Del Norte was founded by a lady named Martha. Martha's nickname could be persistent. She went to the officials every other day for two years trying to get the land to build the children's home on. Guess what? Persistence pays off ... they gave her usage of the land for 90 years.

As Gabo talked about Martha his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. You can tell he had total buy into her vision. It was my reminder ... "Where there is vision, people will follow and join the effort." Martha not only takes care of the babies, but will the mothers as well.

For Martha, we had the opportunity to help pour the cement for an indoor play area for the little ones to get out of the heat. I've never seen anyone more dirtier than what Garrett came out looking like today. One of his jobs was to man handle the 80 lb bags of cement into the mixer, along with a few other duties. I don't know if it was the cement or the dirt, but he came out dusted from head to toe.

Another group dug a trench for landscaping in a flower bed, still others painted the gates and crawled up scaffolding to weather coat a wall. Brandi and Alyssa climbed the scaffold with their cat-like abilities. I about had a heart attack watching them do it.

At the end of the day, we had the opportunity to play with the kids and buy pastries out of the bakery that helps fund the children's home. It was yet another amazing day. I'm sure the work that God is doing in the children is amazing, but what is exceeding my expectation is the work he is doing in the team ... more on that later.

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