Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sue-Happy World

I'm a news junkie, this just came over the net...

Parents Fear Accompanying Students on Trips After Accidental Death Award

She didn't consider another possible consequence: getting sued.

A nearly $700,000 verdict against a chaperone of a cheerleading trip to Hawaii is enough to give a chaperone pause, said Cleary, of Cincinnati.

"Whether it's a trip to the zoo with the first grade or a trip to China with a group of high school students, there's always an anxiety," she said. "I'm responsible for someone else's child."

Add legal liability to the equation, and, "I definitely think it could impact some people's willingness to chaperone."

The Hawaii verdict came in the case of an 18-year-old high school student who fell to her death from a Maui hotel balcony.

Read the rest of the story here.

Being in youth ministry and living in a "sue-happy" world, it makes me wonder what we need to be doing to protect our youth leaders ... additional training, insurance, age requirement for chaperoning, etc.?

1 comment:

Bridget said...

It sounds to me like the chaperone is paying because of the student's irresponible behavior; ie underage drinking.