Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Random Days

Did you ever have one of those Ramdom Days. I don't think today could have been more scattered. Here's just a few of the things I did today (sis, this post is for you since you are my biggest blog fan and like to hear what's going on in my life)...

Proofed and recommend changes to an ad of ours that will appear in Group.

Worked on the Exhibitor Package for NYLC ‘09

Authorized the purchase of a projector and screen in the Kids Church Room.

Celebrated with our Children’s Director about curriculum we’ve selected that is AMAZING! Took a few minutes to be a coach.

Sat in on a mortgage refinancing meeting. Learned a lot, but now have a lot of work to do. Could save us thousands a month, so it will be worth it!

Talked with Jeanne about a monthly newsletter to launch in March. Selected a format that we both liked. I’m pretty stoked.

Saw that one of my favorite MC kids is back (ok, they are all my favorite). When I found out his mom was here, I decided to go downstairs just to tell her how AMAZING her son is.

Found out one of my junior high MC small group leaders needs to be moved to another group because they lost theirs, found out another one won’t be back in the game until December because of knee surgery. Ughhh! It’s all good … it’s all good.

Answered Cadre emails.

Worked on ramping up the next three Cadre groups totaling 100+ (including two from Canada). Going through the acceptance process, sending out the emails, answering the questions, processing the payments and getting everyone on the same page can make your head spin. Glad I had an administrative assistant all summer, so very sad she left … we laughed a lot together. Need the next one to get here asap.

Talked and dreamed with a friend on partnering on some pretty big stuff that I’m trying not to get too excited about, but it’s not working. In all honestly, it makes me want to do back flips. I believe the Cause, the King and the Kingdom will be advanced because of it.

Talked to a great friend about her new job. She’s helping girls get out of prostitution in downtown Phoenix. Did you know the average age for a girl to get into prostitution in AMERICA is 12? That’s nuts. God has taken everything she’s gone through, learned and loves and put her in a unique job opportunity few people are qualified for, much less want. I am so proud of her!

Talked with my sis about her new job. She loves it but feels like her head is about to explode. Told her it took me a year to get comfortable and not feel like I’m behind the eight ball in my new job. I told her it wouldn’t be any fun if we could master our job in a month.

Talked with Chris about Source and YLC edits. Can you say, I am sooooooooooo glad she’s on our team. Thank you Jesus! Pure gold.

Called a couple of youth pastors back.

Remembered where my sleeping bag is … good thing, Second Year MC Retreat this weekend … oh yeah!

Walked 3 miles.


Corey Mann said...

For some reason, the theme from ROCKY started playing in my head when I get to the paragraph about "back flips".

Bridget said...

Hey Judy. just stopping by to say hi. Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday. Steve and I are on vacation for a week starting yesterday. Hopefully it will be very relaxing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me know about your day! I am too tired too even try to write my out! Well I will say one thing awesome about our Dad is that he taught us to work hard and to do our job well. But do you think he could of taught us when to go home because the work will still be tomorrow! Love and miss you! Sherri

Anonymous said...

You can see how tired I am, I proof read my comment and still made mistakes!