Saturday, September 20, 2008

This Week In Atlanta

I can honestly say I've never been so tired in all of my life as I was at the end of this week. Over the last seven days...

1. Finished up the end of the MC Second Year Retreat.
2. Finished gathering the paperwork to refinance the church. The fact that I did that just makes me giggle and tired. Then, met the finance guys processing it for us.
3. Met with the Cadre and NYLC teams corporately and individually ... that there was a lot of meetings and vision casting. I got tired of hearing myself talk. However, I am so stoked about this year's leads.
4. Helped to transition our super size small middle school group (there were just shy of 50 this week) into two. We let the kids know Wednesday night. It went really well.
5. Made sure the I's were dotted and T's crossed on the 100+ Cadre peeps this year. Got 75 all on the same page for their first conference call on Thursday. They are sooooo fun. It didn't feel like a launch at all. I've never heard two groups more excited about the journey before them. I was already energized, they just fueled it.
6. Ramped up my new assistant. I've been without one for three weeks and it's been killing me.
7. Answered an enormous amount of emails.
8 Got the tokens and MC video ready for Athens.
9. Met with the Children's Ministry Team to brainstorm this week and weeks ahead. Problem solved my analysis of the kids in the room last week ... the fact that 42% of them were junior highers in a ministry designed to only go through 5th grade. We have a problem Houston.
10.Cleaned my disaster of an office and car that directly reflected the 12 different focus' I had over the last three weeks. They were bad, really bad ... but now they're good, really good. Binders organize and save my life. It's funny how cleaning your office helps to put things in perspective and clear your mind.
11. Gently rebuked two of my leads ... one for missing deadlines and the other for lack of follow through. They took it like champs. I soooo love these guys, I want to do my part to make them better not only in the moment, but for a lifetime. I felt my fatigue though when I talked with them. In the moment, I wanted to bite their heads off and had to do a little self-talk to make sure I didn't wound them but inspired them to do better at setting realistic deadlines and doing whatever is necessary to meet them, along with having Integrity Finishes.
12. Was here for MC Orientation 2008-2009 with new students and their parents this morning. It is going to be one amazing year!

After orientation was over, I went home and took a six hour nap. I'm up now ... ready to go again.

1 comment:

Rhonda Redman said...

One more thing for you to do, now that you've rested for a few minutes. Sent you a text.

Danielle's grandma passed away early this morning.

BTW - re: Flush the toilets. My first training in leadership was that it was a position of service. Insightful persective. Great postion to lead from.

Not sure if that makes any sense right now. My brain seems a bit fied.

Miss you! (((hug)))