Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Plates Spinning

Between the economic crunch, being at a smaller church (around 800-1,000), need, skill and whatnot, I wear a lot of hats (like nine of them). With many of them, I simply serve as a direct report and have fantastic people to do the detailed work required in the various departments.

Most would say I'm stupid for even trying to juggle all the balls in the air, but (for now) I find it interesting and challenging (and sometimes tiring). It is definitely stretching my ability to both lead and manage. As I processed with Mike on the way home from Indiana and alone with just myself late this evening, here are nine questions I think I am going ot ask myself at the beginning of each day ... and then again at the end of each day in terms of evaluating how I did.

1. What meetings need to take place (and how long do they really need to be)?
2. Who can be entrusted with a hand off (empowered/delegated to/etc.)?
3. What do I need to do so those around me can do what they need to do?
4. What needs inspected/reviewed/reminded about?
5. What deadlines are fast approaching (that are likely to bite me)?
6. Who can I encourage and/or coach a little today?
7. Are there any systems that can be established to make this whole thing run smoother?
8. What must I do that no one else can?
9. Have I ripped off Jesus today?

Honestly, I think nine are too many ... but I will try them out and see what works.


Bubba said...

Hey Judy,

I enjoyed this post... I may have to steal some of those questions to ask myself daily!

Hope all is well!


Anonymous said...

These were brilliant, Judy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rob - these 9 are stinkin' good. I think i'll try 'em!