Thursday, December 20, 2007


The FIRST YEAR MASTER'S COMMISSION ATLANTA pics from the Christmas Party are below, along with the staff's pic. Eventually, I will post the second and third year MC ATL pictures as well.

While I absolutley love, love, love working with youth pastor's in the CADRE, these students have been a pure joy and make me laugh and smile so often each day. While I don't walk with them on the academic side every day, I do spend considerable time with them between projects, Cadre and other activities. For some reason, God has granted me favor with a lot of them. It would be cool if every church in America, remotely doing things right, would run one of these (of course, only if they are going to do it well...which is no easy task). The work load to teach, train and manage them is enormous, but the outcome - should you be willing to deal with a few more dings in the wall and stains on the carpet - is revolutionary. Between what we do with the Cadre and MC ATL, it really does feel like the MULTIPLICATION EFFECT at its finest hour.


Anonymous said...

Whoa man...seeing pictures of those MC students makes me wanna jump in the car and hit 90 on the highway to come hang out. While I was there, a bunch of them took me to CC's for pizza and it was some of the most uplifting fellowship! What an amazing group of young people (I'm jealous of you, Judy, for your environment, personnel and weather!) :o)

Phil said...

Judy - God has granted you favor with them because they (and He) know your heart. "They don't care how much they know, until they know how much they care." Gee, where have I heard that from before? Oh yeah - from you! :<)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Judy!