Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year's Resolutions in Bite Size Chunks

I taught about Resolutions in Sunday School (somebody should rename that beast) this morning. I've got four I'm leaning in on. Actually, there are a dozen, but I've narrowed it down to four ... figured that's enough to focus on in any given year.

One of my resolutions is to read more. 2007 was a horrible reading year for me with all the my life, job and geographic changes. I decided to be "resolved" a little early, but figured that's ok. I listended to Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point on the way home yesterday and over Christmas began Carly Fiorina's Tough Choices. Great stuff. I'll give you the cliff notes to Carly's book within the next month. While I'd love to read a book a week, I'm setting my goal at reading one book and listening to another each month. By the end of the year, I should have digested 24 books. While not huge, a bite size chunk I think I can handle.


Terrace Crawford said...

Hi Judy,

I ran across your blog today online, courtesy Marko. I can relate to your resolutions bit. Reading is something I really want to do more of. Sooo many good books out there. Keep up the great work.


Anonymous said...

I've got a lot of good books to suggest. I try to read two/month and have been pretty consistent this year. Let me know if you want a list!

Add one resolution: Visit the Barnett's in Oklahoma.

Oh, and thanks for changing your comment settings so I can give you shout-outs! Talk to you soon...

Gregg said...

I would like to see that list myself.

Gregg said...

I would like to see that list myself please.