Thursday, November 20, 2008

Levels of Grace

The conversations around here have centered around GRACE these last few days. I had an apartment blow it on cleaning before moving out for the Cadre (a couple apartments move out and spend the night with other students so youth pastors can move in). Their RA, who is an AMAZING young man, did a great job of trying to cover for them by cleaning the apartment himself, but not good enough.

There is a consequence that everyone was told up front would be the case if their apartments didn't measure up. Not a tough one, but slightly irritating nonetheless. I told them if they didn't do a decent job "they must just want the opportunity to do it again when Cadre comes back in town, so I'll give it to them (ie I will give them a do-over)." Now don't get me wrong, they love, love, love serving the Cadre and give up their apartments willingly. But like everything, moderation on that one is the key. Moving out every 3rd or 4th Cadre is great, every Cadre or two Cadres in a row would be tough.

In regard to covering for his guys, the RA's response was "Judy, I just love my guys." My response was, "I love your guys too, that's why I'm going to hold them accountable. James and Kayla having to clean your apartment is not cool. Me having to still clean more after James and Kayla leave is really not cool." Covering is cool when someone is slammed with work, but when it's the result of laziness ... no way.

In all honestly, I think I would have let them off the hook had the RA's guys genuinely apologized to James and Kayla, but they didn't. I'm a big advocate of a heartfelt apology. It really will cover a multitude of sins in my book. Without it, a do-over is in order. Not sure I'm right on it and in all actuality could poke some holes in it, but that's were I'm landing.

You have to inspect what you expect. And, when your inspection doesn't meet your expectation ... tough decision lie ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey friend! This is a great example of Christ love.....give second chances when not deserved. The lesson learned sounds like it was huge for these guys! Jenny