Friday, November 04, 2005

A Day of Discovery

Today was a lot of fun! I spent five hours at Discovery Middle School.

Five Star
We kicked off the Five Star after school program at Discovery today. It has a ton of Oasis students in it, which is way cool! I love it. I just get to hang out and talk with students for a change cause Seth is in charge... and I like it that way. I love Oasis, but sometimes I really enjoy just being a volunteer where I can focus on developing relationships and not worry about the video, cue sheets, Eagle's Nest guides, message, etc. However, I wouldn't trade Oasis for anything.

The Play
Afterwards, Ruby and I chowed down on some quality Chick-fil-A and headed to Discovery's play. We went to see Heather Stevens, but quickly discovered the mass amount of Oasis students involved in everything from "on stage" to "back stage". I'd try to list all the names I recognized, but I'd probably forget one and then feel real bad. However, I did put a fish up on the wall letting all the Oasis students involved know I thought they rocked. It was a pure delight. I was incredibly impressed with how well they sang, danced and acted. If I tried to sing, the dogs would start howlin'.

For your viewing pleasure, below are some shots I had Heather's dad (whom I have boatloads of respect for) send me. It was fun sitting next to the Stevens clan, Kristen and Ruby Tuesday... they rock too!


Lindsay Mak said...

Thanks buddy! I love you too. I actually recently wrote an essay about how you were one of the most influential people in my life. I will give it to you sometime to read...

Thanks for letting me know about the girl's thing tonight. I have to work, but maybe I will come to that studio if I get off in time. I have always wanted to go there...

See ya soon!

Anonymous said...

Why did you put a fish on the wall? am i missing something?

Anonymous said...

hey judy! that is a great picture!!! The answer to the question of the day is "Poor Widow"
thanks a bunch 4 coming to my musical. it meant alot to me!
c u at oasis!