Thursday, November 03, 2005

Everyone Needs A Chris

Chris (left) with Jackie at Feed the Children

I used to be horrible at delegating things to people. Seriously...really bad...a major weakness of mine! And then came Chris. Now a days, Chris would tell you that delegating is no longer a weakness of mine. Seriously...I'm really good at it! The reason I'm good at it is because of Chris. She's got my back, my front and my sides. I am convinced that there is no greater administrative assistant in all of the world. She's learned to ask me great you have this, have you done that, did you reserve the room...the shuttle...the whatever? Most of the time my answer is "workin' on it" or "no, can you do that for me?" She's also one of those people that will always take my call. Sometimes I'm zippin' through the office and can't find something or have a question, so I give Chris a buzz and, of course, she knows where it is or has the answer. I value that. I value her.

What's even cooler is that she cares about me! My dad's been goin' through a rough time over the last six months. He's just now coming out of it (thank you Jesus). She's one of my inner circle of friends who remembers and asks about him. I like that...a lot. A lot of people know about him and the illness he's been battling, but only a few people ask about him...that makes me sad. I think about that a lot. Do I do that to people? Forget to ask about their sick mom, their struggling teenager or how the school play went? I know I do sometimes. I hate that about myself. I wanna be more like Chris:)

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