Friday, November 04, 2005

I laughed - It does sound pretty funny

Jason Simnick asked me "why I put a fish on the wall?" No J, I didn't pound a Blue Gil or Catfish into the drywall, although that would be kind of funny. The Discovery play was entitled "Once on this Island" and outside the auditorium/lunch room you could staple to the wall an "encouragement fish" made out of construction paper. On the fish you could write "great job", "you're awesome", etc. (one was kind of funny, it asked a girl out and had a box for her to check yes or no). Why they were shaped like fish I don't know for sure, but probably a play off the play title (ha ha) or because you encourage the cast with them (like how you "cast" when fishing...nevermind).

On a side note, if you haven't met Jason and his wife, Chrissy, at Oasis yet, they are an awesome couple with three great kids - Hannah, Josh and Abby (sorry I have no picture, Loretta will fix that for me). They both grew up in our youth ministry way back in the day when Rob was the youth pastor. Jason is one of the funniest guys I know (other than when he and my nephew terrorized my cat with a nylon - no wonder the cat is neurotic). I am grateful that Jason and Chrissy are both on the Oasis team. When I'm with them, it feels like being with family.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I agree. The Simnicks are awesome. I have a few pictures of them and the kids. I can send them to you.
-Bridget :)
See you tonight.

Lindsay Mak said...

Judy- I just got home from work. Sorry I couldn't be at the girly thing tonight. Hope to see you Sunday!

Lindsay Mak said...

It is actually 9:08 pm. Not 6:08... I don't know why that time is screwed up at the end of my comment. Weird.

Anonymous said...
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